Wednesday, June 10, 2015

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3)

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3)

Finance: There will be gains. Family will get increased income. You will consider buying a vehicle. Safeguard your valuables.
Profession: Your capacity to work will increase. Creative ideas will bloom. Your respect will rise. 
Health: Only minor problems will trouble you. Eat conservatively and avoid any problem of indigestion.
Students: There will be clarity in your mind and that you will learn your lessons easily. You will do well in your examinations.
Family: Wedding bells will ring for some of you. There will be obstacles in fulfilling carnal desires. Your spouse and children need your help and support.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Relatives will come to you and they will praise you. Distance
yourself from bad company. You are likely to have unnecessary fear of the enemies.
Women: For working women, matters regarding career advancement are likely to fructify after some delay. Beware of back-biters.
Travels: There will be different kinds of travels including one on a picnic and another on business. 
Other matters: You will enjoy respect, name and fame. There could be delay in the work in hand. There is a possibility of theft of personal things in the 21'd fortnight. Avoid arguments with others. Follow the traffic rules and avoid penalties. Dhanishta(3,4) natives should talk cautiously and avoid quarrels. Satabisha natives will have some inexplicable fear. Poorvabhadra(1,2,3) natives may go away from their regular place of stay.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily. Try to forego one time meal on Sundays, especially after 14th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers. Visit the temple of Goddess Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offer White Lotus flowers. Recite.
Days of abundant caution:  1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14. 15 (6116.30 am), 16 (from 5.51 pm). 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 16 (from 5.51 pm), 17, 18.

MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada (2, 3, 4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1, 2)

MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada (2, 3, 4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1, 2)

Finance: Your inflows will rise. You will do charity. Loans lent will be recovered, especially in the 2"d fortnight. Safeguard your things.
Profession: You will perform a difficult task which was abandoned earlier as impossible. You are likely to get a government job or a government favour. Those in service should perform their duties sincerely and thereby sustain their position. Persons in the oil industry may not be happy.
Health: There could be a minor health problem in the lb' fortnight. Thereafter, you will be cured of the same and enjoy good health.
Students: You should concentrate on your studies and not waste your precious time on trivial matters.
Family: Auspicious celebrations will take place in your house. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. Your spouse and children need your help and support. Avoid misunderstanding/quanrel with the women and children in the house and sustain peace at home. Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your support with your friends and relatives will be good. Your enemies will try to give you pinpricks, but they won't succeed. Avoid bad company.
Women: For unmarried women, there are chances of their marriage getting settled. Working women will not face any difficulty in managing their responsibilities. They will get new dresses and ornaments.
Travels: There will be frequent travels.
Other matters: Articles of daily need will be in plenty in the house. You will get tasty food. You will enjoy name and fame. You are likely to see bad dreams. You are likely to be haunted by unnecessary fears. Follow the rules and avoid penalty. For Uttarashada (2,3,4) natives, Bank balance will rise. Sravana natives will plan to go on a pilgrimage. For Dhanishta (1,2) natives, a long-standing misunderstanding will end.
Vedic Remedies: Visit the temple of Lord Shiva and offer Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva. Recite Shiva Panchakshari Mantra at least 12 times a day. especially in the lm fortnight. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga on Tuesdays and light ghee lamps before the Goddess, especially during Rahu Kalam. Recite Om Namo Naaraayanaaya 12 times daily, especially on Wednesdays. Worship cow, feed her and perform circumambulation. Pray to your Family deity very often.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Maintain harmonious relationship with your brothers and sisters. Be optimistic and always think positive.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 26 (after 8 am), 29 New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am). 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 21 (from 10.41 am), 22. 23 (till 10.21 pm), 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30 Chandrashtama days:. 21 (from 10.41 am), 22, 23 (till 10.21 pm)

DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada (1)

DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada (1)

Finance: Increase in income may be noted. There will be some gain through your communication skills. You will gain some Gold. Farmers will get higher produce. Bank balance will rise. Expenses will be more in the 21'd fortnight.
Profession: There are chances of your getting a high pbsition. You will be like a king and you will have many subordinates to assist you. If you are interested in a government job, your wish will be fulfilled. Writers will get new ideas to develop their creations. Persons in the publishing industry will do well. Politicians will become more popular among the people.
Health: You will enjoy good health. Diseases, if any, will get cured. Make it a habit to shake your head from right to left and left to right, when more and more food is offered. There will be a fear of poisonous creatures.
Students: Your intelligence will improve. You will succeed in education. You will become brave. 
Family: A happy celebration will take place in your family. You will be happy through your spouse. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. Avoid arguments with your spouse. Your spouse needs your help and support.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will meet a school-mate and you will enjoy his company for a while. Your circle of friends could shrink. You will win over youi enemies.
Women: You will get gifts, Golden ornaments and new dresses. Unmarried ones will get married. Some of you will be blessed with ,a male child. Working women will have to exert a lot, to satisfy the requirements of office and home.
Travels: You will travel a lot. A long distance travel will be gainful.
Other matters: You will get food at the appropriate time. Quarrel and litigation, if any, will end favourably. You will enjoy name and fame. You can hope to be honoured. You will succeed in most of your efforts. Moola natives should not engage themselves in gambling. For Poorvashada natives, mother's health needs attention. For Uttarashada(1) natives, loans lent will be recovered. Vedic Remedies: Donate Rotis on Sundays. Donate lbr Dal on Thesdays. Feed cooked rice to crows in the morning, before eating. Wear Blue dresses. Wear a Steel bracelet.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Donate 4 Yellow Bananas in a Ganapathy temple, for 4 days daily. Pray for the progress of your brothers and friends.
Days most suitable for: Tavel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29 New Ventures: 4. 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 20, 21 (till 10.41 am), 24. 25. 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 19, 20, 21 (till 10.41 am)

MEENA (Pisces) Poorvabhadra (4), Uttarabhadra, Revati.

MEENA (Pisces) Poorvabhadra (4), Uttarabhadra, Revati.

Finance: Your communication skills will contribute to your income. There will be gain through your subordinates. You will consider buying a vehicle or a property. Farmers will get increased income.
Profession: You will become close to a high official in the Government. who will be of help to you in your career advancement. Some of you will get a position of power and authority, even as high as a minister/ commander. You will be suitably rewarded for the hard work. You will get transfer to the place of your liking. Never displease your bosses.
Health: You will enjoy good health in the P' fortnight. Thereafter a minor problem like fever could affect you.
Students: Your intelligence will sharpen. You will succeed in your efforts. You will be interested in learning about the scriptures. You will become brave.
Family: You will take good care of your spouse and children. Your children will be in the pink of health. Your parents will be happy. There could be obstacles in fulfilling carnal desires in the 2nd fortnight.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Everyone would like to befriend you. Your circle of friends will grow. One of the new friends would be an influential person. Your enemies will run way. There could be difficulties due to bad company.
Women: For marriage purposes, this month will be very good. Childless women will get a positive message from the doctor. Pregnant ones will invariably give birth to a male child of good nature. Working women will be happy.
Travels: Be cautious during travels.
Other matters: You will fight for the cause of others. Articles of daily use will be in plenty in your house. Don't stand surety. Change of residence is a possibility in the I" fortnight. Work in hand could get delayed. Poorvabhadra (4) natives will have the possibility of acquiring a cow. Uttarabhadra natives will be considered as important persons in the society. Revati natives should avoid arguments with the brother.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Om Namah Shivaaya 12 times daily, especially from 15". Donate Tur dal
on Tuesdays, especially in the 2nd fortnight. Recite or listen to Sri Venkatesa Suprabhatham on Wednesdays in the early morning. Donate Blackgram and Horsegram on one day in the month.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Donate Mustard oil to the labourers on Saturdays. Feed the birds daily.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (aftemoon),26 (before 10.23 am), 29
New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12,26 (before 10.23 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 1 (till 1.20 pm), 26 (from 10.23 am), 27, 28

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha (4), A nuradha, Jyeshta

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha (4), A nuradha, Jyeshta

Finance: You can dance.and enjoy! There will be a big gain of wealth. Your financial status will rise. You will do poor feeding. However, don't be extravagant.
Profession: An influential person will become your friend and through him you will progress well in your career. Distance yourself from gambling and betting.
Health: Eat conservatively and prevent indigestion. Beware of poisonous creatures. Take rest after hard work. Take care of slip and fall. Avoid physical confrontation.
Students: You will do well in your studies. Your elders will be happy with your progress.
Family: For unmarried persons, wedding bells will ring. The spouse will be from a rich family. Some of you will have a love marriage in a foreign country. An auspicious function will take place in your house. For romantic activities, this month will be conducive. Your father will-be happy. Avoid misunderstanding with the women in the family in the 2nd fortnight. Your spouse needs your help and support.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Rapport with your friends and relatives will be intact. Your enemies will try to give you fear.
Women: If you are in the marriageable age, not married and efforts are on, it will be finalized. You will get high class dresses, ornaments and luxury items. Working women will be happy.
Travels: Frequent travels will annoy you. However, one of the journeys could be to a foreign country.
Other matters: You will engage yourself in spiritual and charitable activities. You will come across a spiritual guide who will mould your future. Don't stand surety. Visakha(4) natives will get vehicle facility. Anuradha natives should avoid unknown water-bodies. Jyeshta natives should beware of partners.
Vedic Remedies: Offer Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva on Sundays/Pradosha days. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers/cardamom, preferably made by you. Try to visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya in Thiruchendur. Offer Tulsi to Lord Vishnu during Puja at home or in a temple. Recite Hanumaan Chaaleesa daily.Show respect to the elders and seek their blessings.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Use Brass tumbler to drink water. Every Saturday, feed milk to a Black dog. 
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29 New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am), 29 Kanakadhara Stothra on Fridays. Plant a sapling or donate an umbrella.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Always keep a Square-shaped Silver piece with you. Donate 8 Aluminum spoons to any poor person.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon). 8. 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon). 26 (after 10.23 am). 29
New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 10.23 am), 29 Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (1111 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 23 (from 10.21 pm), 24, 25, 26 (till 10.23 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 23 (from 10.21 pm), 24, 25, 26 (till 10.23 am)

TULA (Libra) Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (I, 2, 3)

TULA (Libra) Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (I, 2, 3)

Finance: Your income will rise. There will be gain from house/land/plot. There are chances of your buying a vehicle. Prudent speculation will be gainful.
Profession: There will be job opportunities and rise in career. For position in government, make use of the favourable indications during this month. You may also get a government favour. For change of job, 2nd fortnight will be good. Businessmen should avoid undue risks, especially in the 2114 fortnight.
Health: Try to be more cautious. Check the brake etc. if you are driving your own vehicle. Beware of slip and fall. Avoid physical confrontation and adventurism.
Students: There will be clarity in the brain and that you will be able to grasp your lessons easily. You will excel in studies.
Family: Avoid misunderstanding with the women in the family. There will be gains from yourchildren. Your happiness will increase.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your relatives will be happy with you. Your rapport with your Friends will be good. Distance yourself from your enemies.
Women: Pregnant women will invariably give birth to a son. You will get new dresses and ornaments. Working women will easily manage their twin responsibilities.
Travels: There will be frequent travels.
Other matters: You will get opportunities to help others. You will enjoy respect. Change of house is a possibility in the 2nd fortnight. Don't stand surety. Despite all efforts, some quarrel will be there. Chitra(3,4) natives will have the chance of acquiring a cow. Swati natives may experience obstacles in fulfilling carnal pleasures. Visalcha(1,2,3) natives should avoid misunderstanding with the brother.
Vedic Remedies: Perform Surya Namaskar daily and recite Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra daily, especially from 15th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers. Pray to Lord Hanuman and offer Butter or a garland made with Itulas(a savoury item, made of urid dal) to the Lord on the day, when your birth-star falls in the month. Donate stationery items to poor students.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Every Wednesday, donate Bananas to 8 girls. Read Anjaneya Swami stothre daily.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29 • New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16, 16 (till 5.51 pm) 17 (till 7 pm), 19. 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 14 (from 1.20 pm), 15, 16 (till 5.51 pm)

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2, 3, 4), Hasta, Chitra (1, 2)

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2, 3, 4), Hasta, Chitra (1, 2)

Finance: Your economy will improve in many ways. Bank balance will rise. You will consider acquiring a house, land or plot. Due to increased income, you may have to do Tax-planning. 
Profession: Do your work sincerely and try to be in the good books of your superiors. For new jobs, 1" fortnight would be favourable. Businessmen should avoid risks especially in the 1" fortnight.
Health: Take good care of your health. Be cautious, while moving/driving. Check the brake and other parts, before taking the vehicle out for driving. Observe cleanliness meticulously and avoid itches.
Students: You will excel in studies. You will consider learning an art like music. You will become brave.
Family: You will leave no stone unturned to please your spouse. Them will be domestic happiness. Them will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. •
Relatives, Friends, enemies, etc.: Your circle of friends will grow. One of the new friends will be a great person. Avoid argument with relatives. Enemies will lie low.
Women: You will get golden ornaments. You will get perfumes and toiletries. Working women will be happy.
Tavels: There will be frequent travels. You could perform a gainful foreign travel.
Other matters: You will get tasty food and at the appropriate time. You will be kind to others. Articles of . day to day consumption will be in plenty in your house. Success in litigation may be noted. Change of residence is a possibility in the lu fortnight. Uttaraphalguni(2,3,4) natives will get a government favour. Hasta natives will perform a difficult task. Chitra(1,2) natives are likely to be blessed with a child.
Vedic Remedies: Try to forego one time meal on Sundays, especially in the lbt fortnight. Perform Aayushya Homa/Maha Mrityunjaya Homa on a day when your birth star falls, especially before 15th. Donate Mir dal on Tuesdays. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam on Wednesdays. Donate Horse gram and Black gram on a day during this month.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Donate Mustard oil on Saturdays. Whenever possible, feed Bananas to the monkeys.
Days most suitable. for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), .29 New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 26 (after 8 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12 (from 9.40 am), 13, 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am); 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 12 (from 9.40 am), 13, 14 (till 1.20 pm)

SIMHA (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni (I)

SIMHA (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni (I)

Finance: There will be increase in emoluments. Your communication skills will contribute to your income and also to your fame. Them are chances of your acquiring a piece of land or a good house. You are likely to win a money-suit.
Profession: Your capacity to perform will rise. You will successfully complete a difficult task. There will be appreciation in career. Some of you will get new high positions. There will be subordinates to assist you. If you try, there are chances of your getting a government job. Accounts personnel will thrive.
Health: Your energy level and stamina will be good. Diseases, if any, will get cured. However, wear clean clothes and follow clean habits, so that you can avoid itches. Students: You will not only excel in your studies, you will also perform nicely in extra-curricular activities. Your score in Mathematics will be high.
Family: Your domestic life will be joyful. If you are unmarried, your marriage is likely to be finalized in the 2"° fortnight. The spouse will be good-natured and could own a house. There could be an addition in the family.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow. One of the new friends would be an influential person. You will win over yourenernies. Avoid arguments with your relatives and friends.
Women: For marriage, 2nd fortnight will be favourable. Pregnant women will invariably give birth to a male child.You are likely to get luxury items. Take care of your dresses. For working women, career gains will move slowly.
Travels: You will enjoy the travels.
Other matters: Consumable items will be in plenty in your house. Success in litigation may be noted. You will enjoy influence, name and fame. You can expect a fair amount of success in your efforts. For Makha natives, spouse will look after their interests nicely. Poorvaphalguni natives are likely to consider buying a good vehicle. Uttaraphalguni(1) natives will engage themselves in temple-related activities.
Vedic Remedies: Light ghee lamps before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays during Rahu Kalam. Recite or listen to Kanakadhara Stothra on Fridays. Lord Saturn is pleased with poor feeding and you should do it, especially on Saturdays. Pray to Lord Ganesha and render some service in his temple. 
Lal-kitab Remedies: Chant Om Namah Shivaya daily 108 times, after taking bath. Not to hurt feelings of any widow.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29 New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 12, 26 (after 8 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 (till 9.40 am). 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 10 (from 6.20 am), 11, 12 (till 9.40 am)

KATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha

KATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha

Finance: There will be gains. You will gain through cow/horse. Aren't you tempted to bet on a horse? You can, with prudence. Expenses will be high in the 2hd fortnight. You will consider buying a piece of land.
Profession: You are likely to get a high position. For new position, this month will be favourable. Your influence will rise. For expansion of business, 1" fortnight will be good. Avoid risks in business especially in the 21'd fortnight. For persons in the catering industry, this month will be nice.
Health: You will enjoy good health in the P' fortnight. Diseases, if any, will be cured. After 14'h, avoid crowded places and safeguard your eyes. Move/drive cautiously. Students: You will do well in studies. Your score will be high in Mathematics.
Family: For some, wedding bells will ring. An auspicious function will take place in your house. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will win over enemies. There will be good rapport with your friends and relatives.
Women: If you are in the marriageable age, unmarried and efforts are on, your marriage will be finalized. You will get perfumes and toiletries. You will acquire golden ornaments. Birth of a son may be noted. Working women will be happy.
Travels: There will be unnecessary wandering in the 2nd fortnight.
Other matters: You will get tasty meals, sound sleep and enjoyment. Your behaviour will be liked by all. You will enjoy name and fame. Not all your efforts will succeed. Be a pergon of few words especially in family functions and avoid unwarranted blames. Punarvasu(4) natives are likely to be transferred to a place, which they may not like. Pushya natives should avoid befriending undesirable persons, especially of the other sex. Aslesha natives will get a good news from a distant place.  
Vedic Remedies: Recite or listen to Aaditya Hridayam, especially from 25'". Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Pray to your Family deity more frequently. Render help to a poor student with educational material/ uniforms. Pray to Lord Ganesha, when you start the day.
Lal-kitab Remedies: • Feed Sugarcane, Laddoos or Bananas to the elephants.
Respect and help your spouse.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29 New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am). 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm). 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 8 (from 4.19 am), 9, 10 (till 6.20 am)

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3, 4), Andra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3).

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3, 4), Andra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3).

Finance: Won't you dance with job, as Goddess of Wealth will smile on you? You will do poor feeding. Farmers will get increase in produce. There will be different kinds of expenses. So plan your expenses.
Profession: If you had applied for a government job, there will be a positive response. There are chances of a government honour. Avoid import/export business by taking loan. Persons engaged in accounts work will have to exert a lot.
Health: Consume food, which will cool your system. Avoid crowded places. Avoid physical confrontation. Beware of joint pain.
Students: Your brain will be sharp and will grasp your lessons easily. You will excel in studies. Family: Your children will make you happy. Should you not reciprocate their gesture? Avoid misunderstanding with your spouse and ensure satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures.  
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You may be sad due to separation from friends and relatives in the 2Thi fortnight. Avoid quarrel with your foes.
Women: Working women may have to exert a lot for satisfying the requirements of office and residence. Be patient. Be cautious, while talking. Travels: There will be frequent travels, some of which would be unnecessary.
Other matters: You are likely to meet a VIP. Don't stand surety. Change of place is a possibility in the 2"4 fortnight. Avoid quarrels. Some of your efforts are likely to be delayed. Practise meditation and overcome worries.
Mrigasira(3,4) natives are likely to spent unhappy time in a foreign country. Arudra natives should be cautious during travel. Punarvasu(1,2,3) natives are likely to be blessed with a male child.
Vedic Remedies: Worship Sun-god in the early morning, preferably during Sunrise, facing the East, by offering water and Red flowers daily, especially on Sundays. Chant Hari Nama with a garland of Tulsi Mani in hand. Chant Sri Durga Sapthasathi on Tuesdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Eat some Sugar or Honey, before going for any important work. Gift cream colour clothes to your spouse.
Days most suitable for:Travel: 4, 8 after 4.19 am), 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29
New Ventures: 4, 8 (after 4.19 am), 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 5, 6 (from 00.34 am), 7, 8 (till 4.19 am), 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24. 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30 Chandrashtama days: 6 (from 00.34 am), 7, 8 (till 4.19 am)

VRISHABHA (Taurus) Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Mrigasira (1, 2).

VRISHABHA (Taurus) Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Mrigasira (1, 2).

Finance: There will be increase in income. However, expenses will be high. You should, therefore, not be extravagant.
Profession: You will be confident of performing difficult tasks. You will complete the jobs assigned as expected. This bent of mind will fetch encomium as also high positions. You can also hope for new positions. Persons in the entertainment industry will do well.
Health: Overall you will enjoy good health. A minor problem in the eye/head could trouble you.  
Students: You should concentrate on your studies and not waste your precious time.
Family: There will be domestic happiness. Your parents will be happy. A little light-hearted approach is what is necessary, when you talk to your children. Don't always impose your decisions on them. Accept their suggestions, if they are feasible.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. A childhood friend will arrive and you will enjoy reminiscing the past. You will gain from friends. Avoid arguments with your relatives. Distance yourself from the enemies.
Women: You will get opportunities to beautify yourself. You will get different kinds of Gold ornaments. Working women will be happy.
Travels: There will be frequent travels. ,
Other matters: You will be sympathetic to others. Beware of cheats. Be cautious, while talking. Change of place is a possibility in the fortnight. There could be an occasion for disappointment in the 2n° fortnight.
Krittika(2,3,4) natives should be cautious while talking in family meets and avoid unwarranted blames. Rohini natives will be benefited by the spouse. Mrigasira (1,2) natives should beware of back-biters.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga on Tuesdays and light ghee lamps before the Goddess, especially during Rahu Kalam. Perform Puja of Lord Vishnu with Thlsi in the house or temple on Wednesdays. Recite Hanumaan Chaaleesa on Saturdays. Perform the rituals meant for your forefathers regularly. Visit the temple of Lord Dakshinamurthy/Shiva on Thursdays and Pradosham days and offer Yellow flowers to the deity. Lal-kitab Remedies: Take care of your valuables. Donate sweet prasad at Anjaneya Swami temple, every Tuesday.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am), 29
New Ventures: 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 26 (after 8 am), 29
Days of abundant caution: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 (till 00.34 am), 9, 10, 13 (from 825 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm), 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 3 (from 7.50 pm), 4, 5, 6 (till 00.34 am)

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krit1ika (1)

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krit1ika (1)

Finance: You need not worry. Money will come. Your communication skills will contribute to your income. Businessmen will earn profit. There is a likelihood of your acquiring a house or a piece of land.
Profession: There could be a dip in your enthusiasm in the fortnight. Your employer may not be very happy with you. Some of you would get a new position, more so, a position of power and authority in the 2"' fortnight. Your hard work will be duly rewarded. Politicians will be happy. Health: There may be a minor trouble in the eye/head in the first half of the month. Thereafter you will be cured of the diseases, if any, and you will enjoy good health.
Students: Your face will glitter with intelligence. You will excel in studies.
Family: You will enjoy food with your spouse and children. Health of your parents will not give you any worries. Avoid harsh words especially towards your children.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow with the addition of a great person as your friend. You will have a good rapport with your friends and relatives. You will spend an enjoyable time with them over food. Your friends and relatives will help you in times of need. Your enemies will be destroyed.
Women: Pregnant women am likely to deliver a beautiful male child. You will get new dresses and ornaments. Working women will be quite happy. Travels: You will enjoy the travels you make. Other matters: You will be kind to others. You will excuse the errors of others. You will effect improvement in your house. There are chances of your visiting a theme park and enjoy rides. You will be blessed with tasty food. There could be an occasion for disappointment in the PI fortnight. Beware of cheats. Change of residence is a possibility, after 14".
Aswini natives will involve themselves in virtuous activities. Bharani natives will get the help of siblings. Krittika(1) natives will get transfer to the place of their liking.
Vedic Remedies: Recite 'Om Namah Shivaaya' as many times as possible daily, especially on Sundays. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers to the Lord. Forego one time meal on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days. Recite Om Namo Naaraayanaaya 12 times daily. Visit the temple of Lord Hanuman on Saturdays and offer Butter or a garland of tadas'(a savoury item, made of Urid dal). Make donations to orphanages/old-age homes. Pray to Guru Raghavendra especially on Thursdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Feed Green grass / Spinach to 2 cows daily. Maintain hannonious relationship with spouse's family.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am)
New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am). 12, 26 (after 8 am)
Days of abundant caution: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9. 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm). 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 29, 30
Chandrashtama days: I (from 1.20 pm), 2, 3 (till 7.50 pm), 29. 30