Friday, January 31, 2014

Thula's Forecast Feb - 2014

TULA (Libra) Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (1, 2, 3)
Finance: There will be prosperity. Inflow of money will be there. Family will get increased income. Expenses will also be more. You will consider buying a vehicle.
Profession: You will be confident of performing difficult tasks. Nou will progress in many ways.. A few of you will get a leadership position, with commanding powers and respect. However, do your work sincerely. Persons in art field will get exposure.
Health: Mixed trends will prevail. Minor problems due to adulterated food or heat could affect you. Problems. if any, will be short-lived.
Students: Your concentration level will be good. You will achieve success. Creative ideas will bloom.
Family: Try to avoid misunderstanding with your spouse and children, which would cause domestic unhappiness. There could he obstacles in fulfilling carnal pleasures till I I th. Period upto I 8th will be favourable for marriage.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will have a chance meeting with a friend of your school-days and spend a pleasant time. You will get a few more friends. There will be gain through your friends. You will be praised by your relatives. You will experience fear about your competitors.
Women: You will get many opportunities to beautify yourself. If you are unmarried and efforts are on. marriage could be finalized after 17th. Working women can hope to get supervisory positions.
Travels: There could be different kinds of travel. You could go on a picnic. A journey on official duty will be profitable.
Other matters: Articles of daily need will he in plenty in the house. A situation of embarrassment could arise. Follow the rules and avoid penalties. Work in hand could get delayed. You are likely to get worried unnecessarily.
Chitra(3,4) natives will incur unnecessary expenses. Swati natives should avoid arguments with siblings. Visakha( 1,2,3) natives can hope for a stroke of luck.
Vedic Remedies: Try to forego one time meal on Sundays. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily, especially till 17th. Recite Sri Hanumaan Chaleesa daily. Chant Om Namah Shivaaya' daily, as many times as possible. Visit a nearby temple, whenever possible.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Don't listen to religious bhajans/ discourses after | Sunset
Read Sundar Khaand every Saturday and Tuesday
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2 (forenoon), 6 (till 10.30 am), 10, 12. 17. 24.26,27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon), 10, 12, 17, 24, 27
Days of abundant caution: 5. 6 (from 10.30 am), 7, 8,9,14,15,16,22,23
Chandrashtama period: 7 (from 5 pm), 8, 9

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