MEENA (Pisces)
Poorvabhadra (4), Uttambhadra, Revati.
Finance: You will acquire
money. Your communication skills will fetch you income. However, you may have
to budget your income and expenses. Try to control your expenses on
entertainment and luxury items. Profession: Some of you will get a top
position which could he high enough even as that of a minister. Do your work
sincerely and keep your bosses happy.
Health: During this month,
a minor problem in the eye/stomach/head could bother you.
Students: Concentrate on your
studies and not waste your time on extraneous attractions.
Family: You will spare no
efforts to make your spouse very happy. You will be able to fulfil carnal
pleasures satisfactorily.
Relatives, friends,
enemies, etc.:
Your circle of friends will shrink. Can you afford to have arguments with your
close friends and relatives?
Women: Working women will
be happy. You will acquire new dresses and ornaments. But safeguard your
dresses as a few of them are likely to be lost.
Travels: There will be many
enjoyable journeys.
Other matters: Consumable items
will be in plenty in the house. You will be blessed with tasty food. Change of
place is a possibility in the lst fortnight. Beware of cheats. Keep a leash
over your unruly tongue.
For Poon ahhadra
(4) natives, this month will not be favourable for speculation. Uttarabhadra
natives should be cautious during travels. Revati natives should beware
of back-biters.
Vedic Remedies: Donate Rotis on
Sundays. Offer Jagger)! Rice to Goddess Durga on Tuesdays and distribute a
portion of the same to the devotees. Perform Puja of Lord Vishnu on Wednesdays
with Tulsi leaves. Render help to a student with educational material/uniforms.
Perform poor feeding especially n Saturdays. Recite Óm Nama Sivaaya 12times
LAL-KiTAB Remedies
Keep a peacock
feather in your bedroom. Not to grow long nails.
Days Most suitable
Travel: 4 (Afternoon), 9
(After 7am), 13,,14 (After 2pm)
New Ventures: 9 (alter 7 am), 13.18
((ill 1 130 am), 20, 24 ( f (renoon), 17.18
Days of abundant
caution; 1.
3, 7, S. IS (1roin 12 noon), 16. 17 (till 5.45 pm). 11. 23. 29 (from 12.45 \
pm). 30 (till 12.30 pm) I
Chandrashtama period:
(from 12 noon), 16, 17 1 (till 5.45 pm)