Monday, April 21, 2014

MAKARA Forecast - April 2014

MAKARA (Capricorn) Vttarashada (2, 3, 4) Sravana, Dhanishta (1,2)

Finance: Wont you jump with joy when you come-to know that Goddess of Wealth will smile on you? Businessmen will get profit. Agriculturists can hope to get increased yield. You will do poor feeding.
Profession: You will get a government favour. There are chances of a •government reward. If you had tried for a government job, you will get a favourable response. Employed persons should work hard and try to satisfy their bosses. Persons working in factories will get a boost.    ]
Health: Your energy level and stamina will be 1 generally good. Rejuvenate yourself after hard work. |
Students: Due to your sharp intelligence, you will excel in studies. You will improve upon your communication skills.
Family: In the 1M fortnight, you will enjoy domestic I happiness. Thereafter you could experience obstacles in fulfilling carnal pleasures.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your enemies J will he defeated. Avoid arguments with your friends and relatives.
Women: Childless women can hope to get a positive message from the doctor. You will get new dresses and ornaments. For marriage-related matters, period from 20,h will be favourable. Working women will have to exert a lot, to fulfil the needs of home and
Travels: Frequent travels will give you worries.
Other matters: You will get an opportunity to meet a VIP. Change of residence is a possibility in the lsl fortnight. Don't stand surety. Work in hand could get delayed in the 2nd fortnight.
Uttarashada (2,3,4) natives can hope to get transfer to a place of their liking. Some Sravana natives will get a rise in career For some Dhanishtai 1,2) natives, wedding bells will ring.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily, especially from 14lh. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Shashti Thithi or Krittika star and offer a garland of Red flowers. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily. Donate as much as you can, towards eye-treatment for a poor person.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Feed a Cow with green spinach every Wednesday and Friday.
Respect and help elders in your family and other aged people.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after 2 pm), 18 (till 10.30 am), 20,24 (forenoon), 25,27,28
! New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20,24 (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7. 8, 10 (from 4.45 pm). 11, 12, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22,23, j 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 10 (from 4.45 pm), 11, 12

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