Wednesday, December 3, 2014

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4), Hasta, Chitra (1, 2)

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4), Hasta, Chitra (1, 2)
Finance: There will be financial gains. Businessmen will earn profit. You will do charity.

Profession: You will be blessed with a lift in your career. Your dignity will rise. There are chances of transfer to a place of your liking. Some advocates will become judges.

Health : Your energy level and stamina will be good in the Ist fortnight. Thereafter, a minor problem like fever could affect you. Beware of bodily injury.
Students: During this period, your intelligence will get sharpened. You will become brave.

Family: You will enjoy food with spouse and children. Wedding bells will ring for some of you. There could be obstacles in fulfilling carnal desires in the 2nd fortnight. Your children need your help and support.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your relatives will praise you. You will meet your friends and relatives over tea.Your enemies will try to trouble you, but they won't succeed.

Women: For marriage, period from 13th will be favourable. Working women will be happy.

Travels: Be careful during travels.

Other matters: You will effect improvement to your house. There are chances of your visiting a theme park. Change of residence is a possibility in the fortnight. Don't stand surety. NVork in hand could get delayed. Unnecessary worries will trouble you.

Uttaraphalguni( 2,3,4) natives will fight for the cause of others. For Hasta natives, a long-standing problem will get solved. Chitra(1,2) natives should talk to others smilingly.

Vedic Remedies: Perform Surva Namaskar in the open air, during Sunrise daily, especially till 16'. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Recite a chapter of Sundara Kanda daily. Donate Horsegram. Skip one time meal on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days. especially till 12th.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Not to trust anybody blindly. Wear a Silver chain around the neck.

Days most suitable for:
Travel: I. 10. 24, 25 26
New Ventures: I. 10. 24. 25. 26
Days of abundant caution: 4. 5. 6 (from 6.15 pm). 7 (till 6.30 pm). 12. 14. 15. 16 (till S am). 22 (after S am), 28 (after 5.15 pm). 29. 30 (till 1.15 pm). 31
Chandrashtama period : 3, 4. 30 (from 9.30 am). 31

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