Monday, March 2, 2015

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krittika (I)

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krittika (I)

Finance: Despite good income, you will always h „ on your toes due to different kinds of expenses. There could be gain through cow/horse. Aren't you tempted to bet on a horse? You can do it now. But never bet a big sum.
Profession: Your hard work will be duly recognized. You will be blessed with a government favour. Businessmen should not take things for granted. Certain amount of prudency on their part is a must. Persons in the security industry should take due precaution.
Health: During the 1st fortnight, you will enjoy good health and diseases, if any, would vanish. Thereafter a minor problem due to excessive heat in the body could affect you. Move cautiously. Students: Your score in Mathematics and Accountancy will be high:
Family: There will be domestic happiness. You will have satisfactory fulfilment of carnal desires. For marriage purposes, period from 12th will be favourable. An auspicious function will take place in the family.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your enemies will withdraw. Rapport with your friends and relatives will be intact.
Women: If you are in the marriageable age, unmarried and efforts are on in this direction, you marriage will be finalised after 111". You will get new dresses, ornaments, perfumes and cosmetics. Working women will be happy.
Travels: There will be many travels; some of them could be unnecessary.
Other matters: You will get tasty meals, sound sleep and enjoyment. There will be respect, name and fame. Your behaviour will be liked by one and all. Safeguard your dresses especially in the early part of the mo Be cautious while conversing with others in the fa meets and prevent unwarranted blames.
Aswini natives will devote more time tow prayers. Bharani natives will buy things for the room. Krittika (1) natives will do charity.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam especially from 14th. Visit the temple of Goc Durga on Tuesdays and light Ghee lamps during l Kalam. Chant Guru Mantra as many time possible. Visit the temple of Lord Saturn on Satin and light a lamp before the Lord. Offer Butt Lord Hanumaan.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Not to wear Black clothes. Eat honey, as soon as you get tip.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1, 2, 8, 16 (afternoon) , 18 (afternoon 25 (after 7.15 am), 29 (after 7.45 am)
New Ventures: 1, 2, 8, 22, 25 (after 7.15 am)
Days of abundant caution: 6, 7, 11 (from 12, 13, 14, 20 (from 4 pm), 21, 23 (from 8.30 ai 25 (till 7.15 am), 26, 27, 28, 29 (till 7.45 am)
Chandrashtama period: 11 (from 3 pm), (till 9.15 pm)

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