Wednesday, December 3, 2014

KATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha

KATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha
Finance: You will be blessed with many kinds of riches. Increase in income may be noted. Your talking skills will fetch income. Farmers will get increased return. Bank balance will rise. Loans lent will be recovered. However, expenses will be high.

Profession: Period after 12th will be better. You will get a senior level position, with many subordinates. If you had applied for a government job, you will get a favourable response. If you have a flair for writing, you will get the much-needed exposure.

Health : There could be a minor trouble in the eye/ stomach, especially in the beginning of the month. All such problems will be over and you will enjoy good health after 15'".

Students: Your intelligence will become sharp. You will do well in studies.

Family: You will he blessed with all kinds of happiness after 12'. Fulfilment of carnal pleasures will he satisfactory. A little light-hearted approach is required on your part when you move with your children. Be accommodative to their views. Your spouse needs your care.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your enemies will be destroyed. Your rapport with your friends and relatives will be good. Your circle of friends could shrink.

Women: Working ladies will not find it difficult to fulfil the demands of office and home. You will get new dresses and ornaments.

Travels: A long distance travel will be profitable.

Other matters: Your worries will be subsided. Even difficult efforts would succeed. You will enjoy respect. name and fame. Pay up government dues before due date. Follow traffic rules.

Punarvasu(4) natives will undertake unnecessary journeys. Pushya natives should distance themsely es from undesirable persons. Aslesha natives will get many gifts.

Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridavam especially in the l'1 fortnight. Meditate on Mother Goddess always in your mind. Worship cow, feed her and perform circumambulation. Pray to your Family deity frequently. Think of Lord Ganesha, when you begin the day. Recite Om Namah Shivaaya 12 times daily.

Ial-kitab Remedies: Wear Black underwears. Your spouse should not walk barefoot.

Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1, 10, 24, 25 26
New dentures: I I (), )4. 25. 26
Daysof abundant caution: 4, 5, 6 (from 6.15 pm), 7 (till 6 i() pm). 12. 14. 15. 16 (till 8 aml, 22 (alter 8 „uti) (alter 5.15 pm), 29, 3() (till 1.15 pm)..31
chandrashtama period : 26, 27

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