Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Elaborate Predictions and Remedies for 2015

In the system known as the Janma Rasi (Moon Rasi) Gochara for the year, the transits of the major planets —Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu — are taken into consideration from Janma Rasi, wherein is situated the Moon at the time of birth. Jupiter takes about a year to transit from one Rasi to another, Saturn, two and a half Year to three years and Rahu and Ketu, each, a year and a half. Their positions and aspects to Janina Rasi and other Rasis help us to give predictions. (These transit-wise predictions are bound to get modified a little as per the individual's dasa-bhukti influence.)
Major Transits in 2015:
Jupiter retrograde in Cancer turns Direct on 09th April and on 15" July, it enters Leo. Virtually it is in two Rasis (Cancer and Leo) this year. It transits the constellations of Aslesha, Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni during this year.
Saturn is in Scorpio from November 2014 to the end of 2015. It retrogrades on 16th March 2015 and turns Direct on 4th August 2015. Saturn sojourns in the constellation of Anuradha, in 2015.
Rahu is in Virgo and 'Ketu is in Pisces, throughout the year. Rahu traverses through Hasta to Uttaraphalguni, while Ketu passes through Revati to Uttarabhadhra, this year.

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