Thursday, January 1, 2015

MESHA (Aries) (Aswini, Bharani and Krittika)

MESHA (Aries) (Aswini, Bharani and Krittika)
 Jupiter is in the 4th and later in the 5', Rahu in the 6", Saturn in the 8th and Ketu in the 12" Those who are born in this Rasi will be assertive and aggressive. Like the Ram that climbs the high stony mountains, these persons will put all their energy and effort to succeed in life. They are active and inspirational. They are radical in thought and action. They are firm in their conviction. They are not amenable to reason.
Family: Home environment will cause unnecessary worries and anxieties to the native. He will neither have mental peace nor happiness either at home or outside. Disagreement with wife, partners and elders will add more worries and disturb mental peace.
Finance: The native will feel the financial burden during this period. Friends and relatives will hesitate to render him physical or financial help. He is advised not to indulge in speculation and gambling. He would face unexpected auspicious expenses. He must be cautious in lending and borrowing . He has to work hard to earn his living.
Career: Loss of job or change of job will take place. He will be harassed by the Government. There will be fear of imprisonment. He will be dragged into litigation. He has to face several obstruction and impediments, which will force him to lose confidence. He will face problems at work spot or office. His subordinates will be revolting. He is advised to practise patience.
Health: The health of the native will get affected, owing to bile and intestine problem. Chest pain owing to wind (Vata) will give him some problem. He must be careful, while driving or travelling. Physical injury and/ or humiliation from others should be guarded against. Acute ailments will turn to be chronic, if not attended to at the early stage. The eyes, the knees, feet, face, head and teeth will be seats of trouble.
Women: Troubles will arise from partners in general and life-partner in particular, if Dasa and Bhukti are also not good. Working women will have trouble at their work spot. They are advised to hold their tongues to avoid any trouble later. They are advised to take care of their health also, as they at times will get health problems peculiar to them.
Students: Students must be careful in their studies. They will easily forget, what they have learnt. They must train themselves to express clearly and lucidly without any ambiguity. They lack expression, both in speech and writing. Students, who aspire for higher studies, must work hard to get success in their efforts. Students generally have a difficult period, when Saturn transits 4, 7 and 8 Rasis from Janma rasi. Aries native's 8th house transit of Saturn will be travels once. First half of the year will be better. The second half will be a difficult period.
Aswini : The evil effects predicted will be less, as Saturn and Jupiter transit in favourable stars. Those born in Aswini will get a chance to go abroad or will get help and assistance from abroad. Avoid quick and rash decision. Control of tongue is very necessary. Double the efforts are needed, even to get average success. Career prospects will improve in the second half of the year. Single ones will meet their dream-partners.
Bharani: Saturn is not favourably placed. The natives will face delays and disappointments in all their undertakings. There are chances of the natives to get hospitalized or to be away from home for some short period. But Guru acts favourably often and hence the natives will overcome all obstacles and impediments. Control your expenses on furnishing your house or apartment with luxurious articles. Avoid unnecessary expenses. Second half of the year will increase your power of endurance and you will face your competitors bravely.
Krittika I: Jupiter in the 4th in Aslesha is unfavourable. But Saturn in the 8th is in the Sadhaka Tara (favourable star). Engineers, industrialists and businessmen
will complete their projects on time, with extra efforts. Unexpected help will bring peace and comfort to those born in this star. They are advised to take care of Chest, liver, abdomen and blood circulation. Abscess in the body should be checked. When a problem arises, these natives will talk their way forcefully and suppress their enemies.
Vedic Remedies: Chant Aditya Hridayam daily. Worship Lord Shiva or Narasimha for peace and happiness. Distribution of alms and Black or Blue clothes to the poor and the lame on Tuesdays and/ or Saturdays will minimise the evil influences of the malefic planets (Saturn, Rahu and Ketu). Offer Red cloth (Sari) to Goddess Durga in a temple.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Be a pure vegetarian and also not to consume Alcohol in any form. Wear Red vest, under the shirt.

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