Thursday, January 1, 2015

Tula (Libra) Chitra 3,4, Swati, Visakha 1, 2, 3

Tula (Libra) Chitra 3,4, Swati, Visakha 1, 2, 3
Jupiter is in the 10" till 14th July 2015 and then in the 11th in Leo, till the end of the year.
Saturn is in the 2nd in Scorpio (VrischiKa) throughout the year
Rahu is in the 12th in Virgo and Ketu is in the 6th in Pisces, throughout the year.
General: Those born in this Rasi (Libra) are active and intellectual. They are amorous and sweet-tempered. They are bound to collate, choose and adjust. They will try to be impartial. Partners will play a prominent role in the native's career. They will regard life from the standpoint of justice. They will have a tendency to become more and more equable and artistic, affable and courteous. They will have the ability to maintain equilibrium and balance in life. They are noted for their all round capacity rather than specialization. Justice in all things will be their motto.
Family: Separation from family owing to unexpected transfers is indicated to some. The health of children will get affected. Depression may surface, as confidence is shaken. The desires will remain unfulfilled. Disagreement among the kith and kin will vex the mind of the natives. There will be frequent disputes among the members of the family. Saturn in the 2nd house will inflict untold misery on the native as well as the other members of his family. This is the last phase of Sade-sati. Weakness in physique, finance and comforts is indicated. Things will improve, after the middle of July, when Jupiter moves to the 11th house.
Finance: Financial problems will pester the mind of the native. The native will face disgrace and degradation in status. Some will be held responsible for misappropriation of funds at work-place. All endeavours will go in vain. But, income from many sources is predicted, after the middle of July. Chances of acquiring immovable property and foreign travels are foreseen.
Career: The natives are advised to take life and activity a little more serious than usual. The first half of the year will produce problems at the work-spot. They have to focus on the reality of life to take better decisions. Unexpected transfers to some will disturb the mind of the natives. This is the time for them to take strong decisions. They are going to do something special in their work. Respect and honour will increase, along with the public support.
Health: Many ills will affect the natives of this Rasi in the first half of the year. Diseases of phlegm will trouble the native. They will be able to understand'their body symptoms and will make improvements, when needed. Relaxation of both body and mind is necessary. Practice of Yoga under proper guidance will help to some extent. The second half of the year has got the fragrance of flowers and sweetness of honey for their love and personal life. Sickness will be cured and improvement in health will be noticed, as the mind attains peace.
Women: Employed women will get transfer and will be forced to be away from the family. Their health will also get affected. Their home environment will be disturbed. Petty quarrels and disputes between the couples will disturb :the peace at home. They are cautioned to control their emotions and to be careful in their utterances. Things will be better, when Jupiter moves to the llth house. However, they should be careful as their Rasi is hemmed between malefics—Rahu in the 12th (Virgo) and Saturn in the 2nd (Scorpio). Financially, they may find it difficult to make ends meet. They need to be a little stingy.
Students: Students of this Rasi are prone to forget things that they have learnt. They must concentrate on their studies, instead of letting their mind wander over unnecessary details. Group study and group discussions will help a few to overcome their weakness in studies. Meetings and discussions with experienced people will pay high dividends to them. They are sure to get positive results. They must put more efforts for the pursuit of higher studies.
Chitra 3,4 All efforts will turn futile in the first half of the year. Sudden and unexpected delays or failure will trouble the mind of the natives. No harm in aiming high at the skies, but they must place their feet firm on the ground to succeed. This is a period of ups and downs in their life. Control of the tongue could ensure harmony at the domestic front. Avoid borrowing or lending.
Swati Persons born in this constellation will get occupational success, promotion or transfer to the desired place. Expenses will be beyond one's control. Afew will fall ill, owing to indigestion, intestine disorders and excess of bile secretion. If Dasas and Buktis are unfavourable, a few will be admitted to the hospital. The ills will only be passing clouds, beyond which shines the bright Sun. Spiritual pursuits can enhance the confidence.
Visakha 1, 2, 3 Persons born in this constellation will have occupational worries in the first half of the year. After the middle of July, the cruel grip of fate will be loosened and the natives will breathe the fresh air of achievement. Sudden and unexpected expenses will haunt the mind of the natives. Income will also shrink. Health will also be affected a little. Don't be obstinate, while dealing with domestic issues. Be flexible, especially with affairs of children.
Vedic remedies Libra is the temple of Venus (Sukra). Venus is considered as the goddess of desire. It is the planet of luxury and comfort. Worship and prayers to Sukra, Goddess Mahalakshmi, Durga or Rajarajeswari will help the natives to overcome all obstacles in their way of progress. Lord Vishnu in the reclining posture at Srirangam, Trichi District, considered to be Sukra Kshetra can also be worshipped. Durga Suktam and Durga Sapta sati can also be recited. Beans (Cow gram) and White clothes can be distributed to the poor on Fridays.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Not to disclose your plans to others. Practice yoga and meditation for better health.

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