Sunday, April 26, 2015

MAKARA teapricorn Forecast

MAKARA teapricorn

Finance: This month will be finance aim wil be there. Your communication skills will conaihute to your inckwne. Businessmen we earn profit llierr rechances ot your acquiring a property Yotlwilldo amity.
Proffesion: You will become clan to a high official in the government and will gain through that person, you may even get a pawition like that of a minister. Conunander & judge. There is a possibihty of tramfer ma place of yawn- liking. lemons working in factories would gain.
Heath: Only minor patterns like stomach pain or fewr would trouble you
Students: Your brain will be quite receptive You will do well in studies. Your debating skills will get sturpened.
family: Your children will be in the pink of health. Your parents will be happy. There will be ettatacks m fulfilling carnal desires in the 2'" fortnight.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow. You will be praised by your telatives. There could be difficulties due to had company. Your enemies will try to give you trouble. bat they won't succeed.
Women: For eligible women, maniage could be settled in the middle of the month. Childless women from the ladles will invankly &liver a mate child_ Working women .
Travels: There will be many fruitful journeys. This would include mat els on homes; and an picnic. Other matters: You will ens,. respect name sod tame Change of re-at. ience zs a pcbsibility in the I' fortnight. in band could get delayed. especially in the 2"" fortnight. You are likely to be worried unnecesimily For Uttar:shads t23.41 natives. a long stmding proNem will get resolt ed
Vedic Remedies: !brute What on Stmdlys. Visit the temple of Lord I:artful:eye on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red tlowen.Cardamom. preferably prepared by you_ Recite On SCOW Noarrsayanacrya 12 tunes daily till II.
lalkitab Remedies: Respect your mother elderly lacks. Not to borate clothes to priest.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 3. 6
New Ventures: 6 , forencen S. 9. 10. 15. 1-..2.2
Days of abundant caution::. 1 4.5. 11 fn.mi 7 pm . 12.13 ,tin 3 pm 4_15 rs7,. ,till pm. 23. 25 (nom &45 26. 27. M. 2
Chandrasthamana period: 1. Z. 27 titan 9.15 pmi. ZS. 2.91n11&15

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