Sunday, April 26, 2015

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3. 4). Arudra, Punarrasu (1, 2, 3).

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3. 4). Arudra, Punarrasu (1, 2, 3).

Finane,: Increase in emoluments may be observed There is a great chance of your acquiring a land or house. There will be gain through cow/horse. If yo want to bet on a horse, do it between 12th and 26th of the month.
Profession: Your capacity to perform will increase. You will perform a difficult task successfully. Your great effort will be suitably recognized. Some of you will be blessed with a position of power and authority. For expansion of business, period from 14' will be good. Musicians will get due appreciation.
Health: You will enjoy good health. Diseases. if any, will vanish in no time. Students: You should concentrate on studies and never waste your time on petty entertainment.
Family: You & your family will be happy. There will be homogeneous atmosphere. Addition to the family is a possibility.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your enemies will run away. You will develop friendship with a great person. Avoid arguments with relatives and friends.
Women: Pregnant women will invariably give birth to a male child. For marriage, this month will he good. You will get ornaments, dresses and time-saving equipments. Working women may have to exert a lot. to fulfil their twin responsibilities satisfactorily. Safeguard your dresses.
Travels: There are chances of your going to a foreign country.
Other matters: Your influence, name and fame will rise. Your behaviour will be liked by all. Success in litigation in the I" fortnight may be noted. Consumable items will be in plenty in your house. Theft of a few dresses is a possibility. Mrigadra native,. will get gilts. Poi Ameba natives, sleep may he affected. Punarsatm(1.2,10 natives, unemployed ones, will get a lob.
Vedic Remedies: Visit the temple iit Goddess Maltalakshmi and offer While Lotus (towels to the deity. On Fridays, chantflistettlakaluni Saltasranaama and offer kheer to the deity Remedies: Your spouse should donate II rod ill the poor. Not to wear Green clothes.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1, 3, 6 (forenoon), 8. 9, ID, 15. 17, 22
New Ventures: I , 6 ((mention). 8. O. 10, IS, 17. 22
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5, II Mom 7 pm). 12. 13. 14 (111111.45 am). 18, 19 (front 4.15 pm), 20, 21 II I t pm), 23, 25 (from 8.45 pm). 26.27
Uhandrashtama period: 12 ffrom U am). I t, 14 full I I .45 am)

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