Friday, January 31, 2014

Meena's Forecast Feb - 2014

MEENA (Pisces) Poorvabhadra (4), Uttarabhadra, Revati 

Finance: Income will come from more than one direction. Your communication skills will contribute to your income. Farmers will get increased return. You will gain through cow/horse. Lady Luck could smile on you. You will do charity. Expenses will be high.
Profession: You will be confident of performing difficult tasks. There is a possibility of your being blessed with a new position. which will carry dignity and respect. Businessmen can consider expansion of their business, but they should avoid unnecessary risks. Government servants will be happy.
Health: Your stamina and energy level will be good in the 1 fortnight. You will enjoy freedom from sickness. Consume Green leafy vegetables. Beware of slip and fall. Avoid physical confrontation.
Students: Your educational pursuits will go on smoothly.
Family: With the blessings of elders, your wishes will be fulfilled. There will be domestic happiness. A happy celebration will take place in the house.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. There will be good rapport with your relatives. Avoid arguments with your friends. Distance yourself from the enemies.
Women: Working women will be able to fulfil the requirements of home and office. This is not the appropriate time to make demands to your husband. Other than this, you will be happy.
Travels: There will be useless journeys.
Other matters: Your behaviour will be liked by all. You will enjoy name and fame. Along standing problem will get resolved. Don't stand surety. Despite all efforts, there will be some quarrels. You will experience a feeling of dependency.
Poorvabhadra (4) natives should examine the pros and cons before investing in shares.
Uttarabhadra natives should distance themselves from undesirable friendship.
Revati natives will get a good message from a distant place.
Vedic Remedies: Recite *Om Namah Shivaaya’ 12 times daily, especially from 12th. Visit the temple  Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays. Recite *Om Namo Naraayanaaya' 12 times daily. especially till 17th. Worship cow., feed her and perform circumambulation. Visit the temple of Lord Saturn on Saturdays and light a Gingelly oil lamp. before the Lord. Do Puja to Lord Shiva with Bilwa leaves.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Donate 8 pieces of Brinjais egg plant ) to any poor, on Thursday evening.
Behave Properly with the servents and sweepers.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(forenoon), 6 (till 10.30am),9,10,12,17,24,26,27
New Ventures: 2(forenoon), 9,10,12,17,24,27
Days of abundant caution: 5,6 (from 10.30am),7,8 (till 7.30pm), 14,15,16,19(from 8pm),20,21,22,23
Chandrasthamana Period: 19 (from 8 pm),20,21

Kumbha's Forecast Feb - 2014

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (I, 2,3) 

Finance: Income will come from many directions. Bank balance will rise. You are likely to get a good plot of land or house. Expenses will be high. Businessmen should avoid risks as any loss would invite humiliation.
Profession: Life will go on smoothly, or salaried class persons. Businessmen may not be happy. Scientists will make good progress.
Health: Consume nutritive food. There could be a problem, due to deficiency in Calcium. Rejuvenate yourself, after hard work.
Students: You will excel in studies, provided you work hard. You will develop interest in learning an art like music. You will become brave.
Family: You will leave no stone unturned to make your spouse happy. There will be domestic happiness. You will be able to fulfil carnal pleasures satisfactorily
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow. Your friends will be of help to you when needed. Avoid arguments with your relatives. Your enemies will withdraw.
Women: You will get ornaments. Working women will have a smooth sail, at both office and home.
Travels: There will be unnecessary wandering. You will go on a tiresome journey in the 2" fortnight.
Other matters: Gods will ensure safety and protection. You will enjoy name and fame. You will get tasty food and at the appropriate time. Your house will overflow with food articles. Try to converse with one and all with a smile.
Dhanishta(3,4) natives will go to a foreign country unexpectedly.
Satabisha natives should beware of a back-biter.
Poorvabhadra(1,2,3) natives will develop friendship with an influential person.
Vedic Remedies: Facing the East, worship Sun- god wIth water and flowers daily, especially on 11 I Sundays. Chant Sri Durga Sapthasati on Tuesdays at Rahu Kalam. Perform Sri Satyanaarayana Puja on a Full Moon day. Donate Blackgram.
Lal-ki tab Remedies: Not to wear clothes of dark Green shades Donate milk to the servant, once a week
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2 (forenoon) , 6 (till 10.30 am), 9. 10, 12, 17 (till 12.30 pm). 24, 26,27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon) .9. 10, 12, 17 ( till 12.30 pm). 24. 27
Days of abundant caution: 5,6 (from 10.30 am), 7, 8 (till 7.30 pm). 14, 15, 16. 17 (from 12.30 pm), 18. 19 (till 8 pm), 22. 23
Chandrashtama period: 17 (from 12.30 pm), 18, 19 (till 8 pm)

Makara's Forecast Feb - 2014

MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada (2, 3, 4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1,2) 

Finance: Life is not always a bed of roses. Ups and downs should not upset you. You will acquire money. Your communication skill will contribute to your income. There could be a fall in income after Incur expenses after making a budget. Restrain expenses on entertainment.
Profession: A few of you will be blessed with a position even as high as a minister. Most of you. however, will pass through a period of uneasiness. Don't worry, this period of despair will pass off shortly.
Health: Minor problems in the eye/head could trouble you. Take rest after hard work. Wear clean clothes and prevent itches. Avoid physical confrontation.
Students: You should concentrate on your studies and not waste your precious time. Hard work at this stage is like insurance for the future.
Family: You will be very affectionate to your spouse. You will enjoy domestic happiness.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Rest assured, your enemies will not pose any problem. But the rapport with the relatives and friends may not be satisfactory and that it could cause separation from them for a short while.
Women: You will be blessed with new dresses and ornaments. You will find it difficult to meet the demands of both office and home.
Travels: There will be many journeys. A long distance journey will be quite tiresome. Other matters: Consumable items will be in plenty in the house. You will get tasty food and at appropriate time. Change of place is a possibililty in the 1' fortnight. Avoid angry words. Beware of cheats. Uttarashada (2,3,4) natives should be cautious while talking and avoid blames.
Sravana natives will plan to acquire a vehicle.
Dhanishta(1,2) natives will achieve their goal only after hard work.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Shiv Panchakshari Mantra as many times as possible. Light ghee lamps. before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays at Rahu Kalam. Donate Greengratn on Wednesdays. Visit the temple of Goddess Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offer White Lotus floss ers to the deity.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Use pillow-cover of Maroon colour Help your daughter / sister
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2 (forenoon) , 6 (till 10.30 am). 9, 10, 12. 17 (after 12.30 pm). 24. 26, 27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon) , 9. 10. 12 (after 12.30 pm), 17, 24. 27
Days of abundant caution: 5.6 from 10.30 am). 7. 8 (ti117.30 pm), 14. 15. 16, 17 (61112.30 pm). 22.23
Chandrashtama period: 15, 16, 17 (till 12.30 pm)

Dhanus Foewcast Feb - 2014

DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moo/a, Poorvashada. Utiarashada ( I ) 

Finance: Alter the I week, the situation will be good. There will be financial gain. There will he gain through your speech. Addition of a property is a possibility. There would he gain through land, house or agricultural produce.
Profession: Due to your sincerity and capability, you will be able to complete successfully, even difficult tasks. You can hope to achieve a commanding position. Foreign travel or foreign trade will be favourable. The success rate of legal professionals will he great.
Health: You will enjoy sound health. You will be free of sickness. Disease, if any, will get cured.
Students: You will do well in studies. Your score, especially in Mathematics. will be high.
Family: You will get different kinds of happiness including carnal pleasures. You are likely to be blessed with a good-natured child. An auspicious celebration will take place in your family. Distance yourself from persons of loose character.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will win over your enemies. Avoid arguments with relatives and friends.
Women: This month will be favourable for marriage and child-birth. You will get various gifts like perfumes. toiletries, new dresses and ornaments. You may has e to exert a lot in order to meet the pressure of work in the office.
Travels: Journeys will be enjoyable.
Other matters: You will be blessed with tasty food. sound sleep and enjoyment. Change of residence is a possibility after 1 l'h. Your influence in the society will increase. Beware of cheats. Don't stand surety.
Moola natives will focus more attention towards spiritual enlightenment.
Poorvashada natives will acquire a high class vehicle.
Uttarashada( 1 ) natives will fight for the cause of others.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily, especially till ll'h. Practise Surya Namaskar in open air in the early morning. Offer water to Lord Surya. Forego one time food on WednesdaysfEkadasi days. Pray to your Family-deity more frequently.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Donate 7 pieces of Beetroot in Anjaneya Swami temple Not to consume Alcohol in any form
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(forenoon) . 6 ( till 10.30 am). 9, 10. 12 ( till 3 pm). 17, 24, 26, 27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon) , 9. 10. 12 (till 3 pm). 17, 24, 27
Days of abundant caution: 5.6 (from 10.30 am). 7. 8 (till 7.30 pm), 12 (from 3 pm). 13.14, 15. 16, 27,23
Chandrashtama period: 12 (from 3 pm). 13, 14

Vrischika's Forecast Feb - 2014

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visaklm (4),Anuradha,Jyeshta 

Finance: Goddess of Wealth will smile at you. Won't you feel like dancing with joy on hearing this? There will be inflow of money. Farmers will get increased return. You will do poor feeding. However, there will be different kinds of expenses.
Profession: There are chances of a rise. There will be dignity. A few will get a position like that of a judge. For a new job. period till 1 l'h will be favourable. If you are interested in transfer to any particular place, you will get it. Do remember "boss is always right". Persons engaged in mining and chemical industry will prosper.
Health: Your stamina and energy level will be good in the 1" fortnight. Thereafter a minor problem due to excessive heat could bother you.
Students: You will he able to grasp your lessons very well. Your success will not be in doubt. Your conversational skills will become sharp. You will become brave.
Family: There are chances of your getting married. An auspicious function will take place in your family. Fulfilling carnal desires could face hiccups, after 11,h.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will enjoy good rapport with your relatives and friends. Your enemies will try to instil fear in you. but they won't succeed.
Women: If you are unmarried and efforts are going on in this direction, wedding bells will ring. Working women will be happy. Childless women will get pregnant.
Travels: You may have to endure the journeys.
Other matters: You will get tasty food. You will get respect and honour. You are likely to meet a V VIP. Don't stand surety. Change of place is a possibility in the Is'fortnight. Choose your words carefully, while speaking in family-meets and save yourself of unwarranted blames.
Visakha(4) natives will incur increasing expenses.
Anuradha natives will get the possibility of going to a foreign country.
jyeshta natives will plan to go on a picnic.
Vedic Remedies: Offer Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva on Sundays. Recite 'Om Namo Naaraayanaaya' 12 times a day daily, especially from 1 81". Perform poor feeding. especially on Saturdays. Practise Yoga and meditation, to nurture your physical and emotional health.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Love, respect and take care of your spouse Feed the street-dogs, whenever possible
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2 (forenoon), 6 (till 10.30 am), 9, 12 (after 3 pm), 17, 24, 26, 27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon), 9, 12 (after 3 pm), 17, 24,27
Days of abundant caution: 5,6 (from 10.30 am), 7, 8 (till 7.30 pm), 10. 11, 12 (till 3 pm), 14, 15, 16. 22, 23
Chandrashtama period: 10, 11, 12 (till 3 pm)

Thula's Forecast Feb - 2014

TULA (Libra) Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (1, 2, 3)
Finance: There will be prosperity. Inflow of money will be there. Family will get increased income. Expenses will also be more. You will consider buying a vehicle.
Profession: You will be confident of performing difficult tasks. Nou will progress in many ways.. A few of you will get a leadership position, with commanding powers and respect. However, do your work sincerely. Persons in art field will get exposure.
Health: Mixed trends will prevail. Minor problems due to adulterated food or heat could affect you. Problems. if any, will be short-lived.
Students: Your concentration level will be good. You will achieve success. Creative ideas will bloom.
Family: Try to avoid misunderstanding with your spouse and children, which would cause domestic unhappiness. There could he obstacles in fulfilling carnal pleasures till I I th. Period upto I 8th will be favourable for marriage.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will have a chance meeting with a friend of your school-days and spend a pleasant time. You will get a few more friends. There will be gain through your friends. You will be praised by your relatives. You will experience fear about your competitors.
Women: You will get many opportunities to beautify yourself. If you are unmarried and efforts are on. marriage could be finalized after 17th. Working women can hope to get supervisory positions.
Travels: There could be different kinds of travel. You could go on a picnic. A journey on official duty will be profitable.
Other matters: Articles of daily need will he in plenty in the house. A situation of embarrassment could arise. Follow the rules and avoid penalties. Work in hand could get delayed. You are likely to get worried unnecessarily.
Chitra(3,4) natives will incur unnecessary expenses. Swati natives should avoid arguments with siblings. Visakha( 1,2,3) natives can hope for a stroke of luck.
Vedic Remedies: Try to forego one time meal on Sundays. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily, especially till 17th. Recite Sri Hanumaan Chaleesa daily. Chant Om Namah Shivaaya' daily, as many times as possible. Visit a nearby temple, whenever possible.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Don't listen to religious bhajans/ discourses after | Sunset
Read Sundar Khaand every Saturday and Tuesday
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2 (forenoon), 6 (till 10.30 am), 10, 12. 17. 24.26,27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon), 10, 12, 17, 24, 27
Days of abundant caution: 5. 6 (from 10.30 am), 7, 8,9,14,15,16,22,23
Chandrashtama period: 7 (from 5 pm), 8, 9