Friday, January 31, 2014

Kanya's Forecast Feb - 2014

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2, 3, 4), Hasta, Chitra (1, 2) 

Finance: There will be gain in many ways. Salaried class will get increased income. Your conversation style will bring, in income. Loans lent by you will be recovered. Keep constant control on expenses.
Profession: Your success-rate will be high. There are chances of your getting a high position. However, fulfil all your responsibilities sincerely and render satisfaction to your superiors. Otherwise. an adverse situation could arise. Government servants will be happy. If you had tried for a government job. you will get a favourable response.
Health: Till 1 l. you may feel uneasy. Thereafter, you will enjoy good health. Problems, if any, would be over.
Students: Your face will glitter due to intelligence. You will excel in studies.
Family: There will be increase of happiness. You will enjoy food with your spouse and children_ Avoid arguments with your family members. Ensure participation of all in decision-making.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will be liked by your relatives. You will visit eateries with your friends and relatives. You will add more friends. You will help your friends. Your enemies will try to give you pin-pricks, but they will not succeed.
Women: Working women will find it easy to manage both fronts. You will spend an enjoyable time at home. You will buy dresses and ornaments.
Travels: Short and long .journeys will he enjoyable.
Other matters: You will be charity-minded. You will effect improvement in your residence. There are chances of your visiting a theme park. A situation of disappointment or embarrassment could arise. Avoid hot words.
Uttaraphalguni(2,3,4) natives will get a government favour. For Hasta natives, a long distance journey will be profitable. Chitra(1.2) natives should talk cautiously and avoid blames.
Vedic Remedies: Facing the Sun. in the morning, worship Sun-god by offering water and flowers, daily, especially at least till 11th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers to the deity. Pour puffed rice in the temple-tank, in order to feed the fish there. Donate Green gram on Wednesdays. Recite Gum Raghavendra Sloka on Thursdays. Make donations to orphanages/hospitals. Wear a Rudraksha. Hold your Family-deity in high esteem and pray to that deity frequently.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Not to travel unnecessarily Use Yellow colour Bedsheet
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2 (forenoon), 9, 10, 12, 17, 24, 26,27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon). 9, 10. 12, 17, 24, 27
Days of abundant caution: 5. 6. 7. 8 (till 7.30 pm ). 14, 15,16,22,23
Chandrashtama period: 5 (from 10.15 am), 6. 7 (till 5 pm )

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