Friday, January 31, 2014

Dhanus Foewcast Feb - 2014

DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moo/a, Poorvashada. Utiarashada ( I ) 

Finance: Alter the I week, the situation will be good. There will be financial gain. There will he gain through your speech. Addition of a property is a possibility. There would he gain through land, house or agricultural produce.
Profession: Due to your sincerity and capability, you will be able to complete successfully, even difficult tasks. You can hope to achieve a commanding position. Foreign travel or foreign trade will be favourable. The success rate of legal professionals will he great.
Health: You will enjoy sound health. You will be free of sickness. Disease, if any, will get cured.
Students: You will do well in studies. Your score, especially in Mathematics. will be high.
Family: You will get different kinds of happiness including carnal pleasures. You are likely to be blessed with a good-natured child. An auspicious celebration will take place in your family. Distance yourself from persons of loose character.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will win over your enemies. Avoid arguments with relatives and friends.
Women: This month will be favourable for marriage and child-birth. You will get various gifts like perfumes. toiletries, new dresses and ornaments. You may has e to exert a lot in order to meet the pressure of work in the office.
Travels: Journeys will be enjoyable.
Other matters: You will be blessed with tasty food. sound sleep and enjoyment. Change of residence is a possibility after 1 l'h. Your influence in the society will increase. Beware of cheats. Don't stand surety.
Moola natives will focus more attention towards spiritual enlightenment.
Poorvashada natives will acquire a high class vehicle.
Uttarashada( 1 ) natives will fight for the cause of others.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily, especially till ll'h. Practise Surya Namaskar in open air in the early morning. Offer water to Lord Surya. Forego one time food on WednesdaysfEkadasi days. Pray to your Family-deity more frequently.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Donate 7 pieces of Beetroot in Anjaneya Swami temple Not to consume Alcohol in any form
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(forenoon) . 6 ( till 10.30 am). 9, 10. 12 ( till 3 pm). 17, 24, 26, 27
New Ventures: 2 (forenoon) , 9. 10. 12 (till 3 pm). 17, 24, 27
Days of abundant caution: 5.6 (from 10.30 am). 7. 8 (till 7.30 pm), 12 (from 3 pm). 13.14, 15. 16, 27,23
Chandrashtama period: 12 (from 3 pm). 13, 14

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