Monday, April 21, 2014

MEENA Forecast - April 2014

MEENA (Pisces) Poorvabhadra (4), Uttambhadra, Revati.

Finance: You will acquire money. Your communication skills will fetch you income. However, you may have to budget your income and expenses. Try to control your expenses on entertainment and luxury items. Profession: Some of you will get a top position which could he high enough even as that of a minister. Do your work sincerely and keep your bosses happy.
Health: During this month, a minor problem in the eye/stomach/head could bother you.
Students: Concentrate on your studies and not waste your time on extraneous attractions.
Family: You will spare no efforts to make your spouse very happy. You will be able to fulfil carnal pleasures satisfactorily.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your circle of friends will shrink. Can you afford to have arguments with your close friends and relatives?
Women: Working women will be happy. You will acquire new dresses and ornaments. But safeguard your dresses as a few of them are likely to be lost.
Travels: There will be many enjoyable journeys.
Other matters: Consumable items will be in plenty in the house. You will be blessed with tasty food. Change of place is a possibility in the lst fortnight. Beware of cheats. Keep a leash over your unruly tongue.
For Poon ahhadra (4) natives, this month will not be favourable for speculation. Uttarabhadra natives should be cautious during travels. Revati natives should beware of back-biters.
Vedic Remedies: Donate Rotis on Sundays. Offer Jagger)! Rice to Goddess Durga on Tuesdays and distribute a portion of the same to the devotees. Perform Puja of Lord Vishnu on Wednesdays with Tulsi leaves. Render help to a student with educational material/uniforms. Perform poor feeding especially n Saturdays. Recite Óm Nama Sivaaya 12times daily.
LAL-KiTAB Remedies
Keep a peacock feather in your bedroom. Not to grow long nails.
Days Most suitable for:
Travel: 4 (Afternoon), 9 (After 7am), 13,,14 (After 2pm)
New Ventures: 9 (alter 7 am), 13.18 ((ill 1 130 am), 20, 24 ( f (renoon), 17.18
Days of abundant caution; 1. 3, 7, S. IS (1roin 12 noon), 16. 17 (till 5.45 pm). 11. 23. 29 (from 12.45 \ pm). 30 (till 12.30 pm) I

Chandrashtama period: 15 (from 12 noon), 16, 17 1 (till 5.45 pm) 

KUMBHA Forecast - April 2014

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1,2,3)

Finance: Mixed trends will prevail. Inflows will be there. Gain through speech may be noted. In the Ist fortnight, there will be a fall in income and expenses will be high. Businessmen will be happy especially in the 2nd fortnight.
Profession: There are chances of your having a depressed feeling. But you need not get despair. Do your work sincerely. Your superiors will notice your worth.
Health: Move carefully and overcome slip and fall. Avoid physical confrontation. A minor problem in the eye/head could occur in the 1st fortnight. All problems will vanish thereafter and you will enjoy good health. Students: Your face will shine due to your intelligence. Your parents will be happy with your progress.
Family: You will enjoy domestic happiness. A happy moment will take place in your house. Wedding belts w ill ring for some of you.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: You will have a nice h me with your Iriends. Your enemies will try to 121 e von pin-pricks, but they won't succeed. Avoid arguments with relatives.
Women: Working women will he happy. This month will augur well for those on the threshold of marriage. You will get perfumes and toiletries.
Travels: Many useles,k, journeys will make you wear..
Other matters: You will he blessed with tasty meals, sound sleep and enjoyment. Change of residence is a possibility after 14w. Beware of cheats. Don't stand surety.
Dhanishta(3,4) natives may go abroad suddenly. Satabisha natives should avoid had company. Poorvabhadra( 1,2,3) natives will befriend a rich person.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Gayatri Mantra daily. Light ghee lamps to Goddess Durga during Rahu Kalam on Tuesdays. Visit the temple of Lord Vishnu on Wednesdays and offer Tuisi to the deity. Donate Blickgram. Donate milk for the Abisheka of Lord Ganesha, on the day of your birth-star.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Must love ,respect and be faithful to your spouse. Drink milk fortified with a little Turmeric powder
Days most suitable for:  Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am), 18 (till 10.30 am), 20, 24 (forenoon), 25, 27, 28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 18 (till 10.30 am), 20. 24 (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22, 23, 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 13, 14, 15 (till 12 noon) 

MAKARA Forecast - April 2014

MAKARA (Capricorn) Vttarashada (2, 3, 4) Sravana, Dhanishta (1,2)

Finance: Wont you jump with joy when you come-to know that Goddess of Wealth will smile on you? Businessmen will get profit. Agriculturists can hope to get increased yield. You will do poor feeding.
Profession: You will get a government favour. There are chances of a •government reward. If you had tried for a government job, you will get a favourable response. Employed persons should work hard and try to satisfy their bosses. Persons working in factories will get a boost.    ]
Health: Your energy level and stamina will be 1 generally good. Rejuvenate yourself after hard work. |
Students: Due to your sharp intelligence, you will excel in studies. You will improve upon your communication skills.
Family: In the 1M fortnight, you will enjoy domestic I happiness. Thereafter you could experience obstacles in fulfilling carnal pleasures.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your enemies J will he defeated. Avoid arguments with your friends and relatives.
Women: Childless women can hope to get a positive message from the doctor. You will get new dresses and ornaments. For marriage-related matters, period from 20,h will be favourable. Working women will have to exert a lot, to fulfil the needs of home and
Travels: Frequent travels will give you worries.
Other matters: You will get an opportunity to meet a VIP. Change of residence is a possibility in the lsl fortnight. Don't stand surety. Work in hand could get delayed in the 2nd fortnight.
Uttarashada (2,3,4) natives can hope to get transfer to a place of their liking. Some Sravana natives will get a rise in career For some Dhanishtai 1,2) natives, wedding bells will ring.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily, especially from 14lh. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Shashti Thithi or Krittika star and offer a garland of Red flowers. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily. Donate as much as you can, towards eye-treatment for a poor person.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Feed a Cow with green spinach every Wednesday and Friday.
Respect and help elders in your family and other aged people.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after 2 pm), 18 (till 10.30 am), 20,24 (forenoon), 25,27,28
! New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20,24 (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7. 8, 10 (from 4.45 pm). 11, 12, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22,23, j 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 10 (from 4.45 pm), 11, 12

DHANUSH Forecast - April 2014

DHANU (Sagittarius) Moola, Pooritashada. Unarashada

Finance: t mink, iN\ ill get increased incomc You will pian to acquire a vehicle.
Profession: Your capacity to perform will rise. You Will be able to complete the tasks, as per your desires. You will progress in many ways. A few of  you will get a high position with respectability.
Health: Overall you will enjoy good health. However, wear clean clothes and prevent itches.   Avoid physical confrontation.
Students: There will be clarity in the brain. So you will he able to grasp your lessons easily. You will achieve success. Creative ideas will bloom.
Family : For some of you, wedding bells will ring. Be smiling and accommodative with your children: There could be obstacle.. in fulfilling carnal pleasures,
Relatives, Friends, enemies etc: You will having a chance meet vi nil a class‘rnate and you will he transported to your old childhood days. Friends  will be of help to yozii: You wilt he pratscil your, relatives. In the 2" fortnig, itor could give you a fright.
Women: For unmarried persons, period till 19" will be quite favourable. You will buy things which you wished for. You will get opportunities to beautify yourself. Working women may have to work hard to fulfil the requirements of office and home.
Travels: You you will perform journeys on official purpose and for enjoyment, •
Other matters: Articles of daily need will be in plenty in the house. Work in hand will get delayed, You are likely to undergo unnecessary worries, Follow the traffic rules and avoid penalties. Moola natives should take care of the spouse, i Poorvashad.a natives will have the possibility of getting a leadership position. Uttarashada(1) I • natives could suffer from indecision.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily. Perform Surya Namaskar in open air, in the morning. Light ghee lamps before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays during Rahu Kalam. Recite 'Om Nam° Narayana' 12 times daily, especially from 20th. I Perform the rituals meant for your forefathers iregularly, without fail. Help as much as you can, to I clean a temple.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
On a Saturday , donate Green-coloured sweets to itlabourers. Not to consume Alcohol in any form.
Days most suitable forTraVel: 4 (afternoon), 13, 14 (after 2 pm), 18 (till 10.30 arm). 20, 24 (forenoon), 25, 27, 28
New Ventures: 13. 18 -11111.0.30 am), 20. 24 t • (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4.45 pm), 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1,45 pm), 29 (from 12A5 p 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 8, 9, 10 (till 4.45 pm) 

VRISCHIKA Forecast - April 2014

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha (4), Anuradha, Jyeshta

Finance: Financially this will be a good month. There will be increase in income. Your power of speech will fetch you income. There are chances of your getting land/house.
Profession: A few of you will get a rise. Persons in service should discharge their duties sincerely and never give room for dissatisfaction on the part of the superiors.
Health: There could be a minor health problem in the 1st fortnight. Thereafter you will be cured of this and enjoy good health.
Students: Study the lessons as and when they are taught and don't postpone for a later date. If you do SO , you will be faced with a tough task of having to study a lot during examination time.
Family: You will enjoy food with your spouse and children. A few of you are likely to be blessed with a child. A little light-hearted approach is what is required when you Converse with your children.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: You will win over your enemies. Your relatives will be happy with YOU. You will spend an enjoyable time with your friends and relatives quite often in eating places.
Women: You will be blessed with various types of happiness. If you are pregnant, the child will be male. Working women will be happy.
Travels: The journeys will be pleasant.
Other matters: You will effect improvements in your residence. You will enjoy influence, name and fame. There are chances of your visiting a theme park. Pay government dues well in time and avoid penalties. Visakha(4) natives will go to a foreign country. Anuradha natives will perform a long distance journey. Jyeshta natives will get gifts.
Vedic Remedies: Donate Rotis on Sundays. Skip one time food on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days. Make Worship your Family-deity daily, before commencing your work. Spend at least 20 minutes in meditation, daily. Lal-kitab Remedies: Worship Goddess Durga daily. Help the widows.
Days most suitable for:  
Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am), 13 14 (after 2 pm). 18 (WI 10.30 am), 20, 24 forenoon), 25. 27,28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20, 24 (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 5 (from 6.30 pm), 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm) 22, 23, 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 5 (from 6.30 pm), 6, 7 

THULA Forecast - April 2014

TULA (Libra) chitra (3,4)„swati, Visakha(1,2,3)

Finance: iconic and other riches will be forthcomina. k tunmunication skills will contribute to your income. lowevc.T different kinds of expenses will make you to privritke your commitments.
Profession: By the grace of God, there are chances of your achieving a high position. You will have a large number of subordinates to assist you. You are likely to get rewards. If you had tried for an opening in the government sector, you will succeed. Writers will get new ideas to develop.
Health: In the 1" fortnight, your energy level and stamina will be very good. Thereafter some minor problems could trouble you. Be conservative, while eating. Move/drive cautiously. Beware of poisonous creatures. Students: Concentrate on your studies. Don't allow your attention to go astray. Family: You will be happy. Your uncle will have a nice time. In the latter part of the month, there are chances of separation from your beloved ones for a short period.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your enemies will withdraw. Your rapport with your friends and relatives will he good.
Women: If you are in the family way, you will be blessed with a male child. Be happy about the well-being of your son. Working women will get a pleasant surprise in the office.
Travels: Travels will he enjoyable.
Other matters: You will get gifts. You will enjoy name and fame. Your wishes will be fulfilled. Be careful while conversing in family meets and overcome unwarranted blames.
Chitra(3,4) natives, staying in foreign countries, may not be happy. For Swati natives, their parents need support. Visakha(1,2,3) natives will get leadership positions. 
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayarn daily especially from 14th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily, especially from 20th. Recite Hanumaan Chaaleesa daily. Recite 'Om Namah Shivaaya' 12 times daily.
Lalskitab Remedies: Feed any stray dog every Wednesday. Not to keep blunt or rusted iron items knives / scissors etc ) in your house.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after 2 pm). 18 (till 10.30 am). 20, 24 (forenoon), 25, 27. 28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20, 24 (forenoon), 27.28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 4. 5 (till 6.30 pm), 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22, 23 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 4.15 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 3 (from 9.30 am) 4. 5 (till 6.30 pm), 30 (from 4.15 pm) 

KANYA Forecast - April 2014

Kanya (Virgo) UttaraPhalguni (2,3,4), Hasta, Chitra (1,2)

Finance: Mixed trends limy he noted. Inflows will be moderate. Expenses will he high. In the IM fortnight, there could he a financial crunch. It would he prudent to plan your expenses. keeping in view the income. Profession: You IA ill experience a feeling of depression as your hard work will go unnoticed. This will be only kir a shun period. You can hope for due appreciation shortly. Persons in the stock market should be cautious.
Health: Minor problems will trouble you. Try to shit your head from right io left and left to right when more food is offered. Rejuvenate yourself after hard work. Take care of e \cess heat in the body.
Students: Your concentration level will be good in the latter part of the month when you will do well in your studies.
Family: Avoid arguments with the women in the Elk ii the views of the family members while taking any decision. There could be separation for a while from your beloved ones. Your spouse needs your support. Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: There will be good rapport with your friends and relatives. You could experience fear from foes. Distance yourself from them.
Women: During the latter part of the month, pregnant women are likely to deliver a male child. You will get new dresses. Working women will be happy
Travel.: you will get tired of the frequent travels.
Other matters: You will get opportunities to help :  others. A few of your efforts are likely to be delayed. Be relaxed and smiling while conversing ith others. Uttaraphalguni(2.3,4) natives should consume fibrous items and avoid constipation. Hasta natives will consider buying a vehicle. Chitra( 1,2) natives should beware of back-biters.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Shiv Panchakshari Mantra as many times as possible on Sundays. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on the days of Krittika star and Shashti Tithi and oiler a garland of Red flowers. Skip one time meal on Wednesday's/ Ekadasi days. Recite or listen to Kanakadhara Stothra on Fridays. Feed cooked rice to crows in the morning before eating daily. Pray to Lord Ganesha and render service in his temple. Pray to Guru Raghav endra on Thursdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Keep your nose dry and clean Put a little piece of your chapatti/bread to the fire of the kitchen before taking your meals.
Days most suitable for:  Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am). 13. 14 (after 2 pm). 18 (till 10.30 am), 20,24 (forenoon), 25, 27, 28 (before 10 am) New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 11 18 (till 10.30 am). 20. 24 (f)renoon), 27,28 (before 10 am)
Days of abundant caution: 1, 1 1 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm). 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22, 23, 29 (from 12.45 pm). 28 (from 10 am), 29.30 (fill 4.15 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 1, 2, 3 (till 9.30 am), 28 (from 10 am) 29, 30 (till 4.15 pm) 

SIMHA Forecast - April 2014

SIMHA Leo I Mukha, Ann withal/vim Ilitaraphaiguni (1)

Finance: 1 his will be a good month tinanually. There will be gain from land and house properties. You art likely to consider buying a good vehiL le. Speculation will be gainiul.
Profession: Your Capacity to pert min will increase. You would get job opportunities. Persons in service will gel a chance of promotion. If you had tried for a government job, you will get a positive indication. You would get government support. If you have talentin music/acting, there are chances Of your selection for exposure.
Health: Drive cautiously and avoid accidents. Those who don't use vehicles should also move about carefully.
Students; There will he clarity in your brain. Therefore,. you will be able to grasp your lessons easily and do well in the examinations. Your knowledge .horizon will widen.
Family: There will be happiness and gain from your children. Try to avoid misunderstanding with the women in the family and avoid loss of peace at home. Your spouse needs your support.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Distance yourself from bad company. Avoid arguments with your relatives. Women: Pregnant women will invariably deliver a male child. You will acquire new dresses and Ornarnents.
Travels: There will be journeyto see on a pilgrimarage.
Other matters: You will let List's, food. You will acquire new dresses. You will help others, You too will gel help from others in needed. Change of residence is a possibility after 14th. There could be an occasion for disappointment. Niakha natives should take care of father-in-law. Poorvaphalguni natives 11 satithu avoid partnership deals. Uttaraphalguna natives should consume food which will take care of excess heat.
Vedic Remedies: Donate Wheat on Sundays. Recite Mahn Mrityunjaya Mantra recited by Sage Markandeya daily, especially from 14th. Donate Tur dal. Recite 'Om Namo Noravantryti 12 times daily, especialh. from 20"-. Visit the temple of Goddess Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offer White flowers to the deity. Pray to Lord Ganesha. as and when you commence your work.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Feed three stray dogs daily. Not to wear Black clothes.
Days most suitable for: Travel: 4 (afternoon). 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after') pm), 18 (till 10.30 am), 20. 24 (forenoon), 25. 28 (after 10 am)
New Ventures: 9 after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20. 14 (forenoon), 28 (after 10 am)
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3. 7. 8, 15 (from pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm). 22. 23, 26, 27, 28 (till 10 an)‘ 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 1230 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 26, 27. 28 (till 10 am) 

KATAKA Forecast - April 2014

KATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu (4), Puvhya, Aslesha

Finance: There will be gains from more than one direction. Increase in salary may be noted. You could get monetary rewards like incentive bonus. Gain of a plot of land is a possibility.
Profession: A few of you will he blessed with a position of power and authority. Appreciation in career in the form of a rise is on the cards. For change of job. I fortnight will be favourable. Persons in hotel industry will gain.
Health: You should take good care of yourself especially in the l fortnight. Move/drive carefully. Check the brakes etc. before taking out your vehicle.
Students: You will not only perform well in your course subjects, but also fare nicely in extra-curricular activities.
Family: You will be bestowed with all kinds of happiness due to your spouse. A happy celebration silI take place in sour Lundy, half marriage purposes, this month wilt bt- ia‘oin able
Relatives, friends enemies. etc.: You will develop friendship with a great person. A good old friend will arrive and you will spend a pleasant time reminiscing the good old days. Avoid arguments with your retails es. You will win os,er your enemies
Women: For unmarried persons, a favourable message will arrive by 20". Working women will experience great difficulty in managing both the fronts.
Travels: Frequent travels will make you unhappy in the first three NA eeks.
Other matters: You will enjoy a good name in your society. If you are ins olved in a legal tangle, you can hope for success in the 2'' fortnight. Be cautious while talking in family meets and avoid unwarranted blames. Change of residence is a possibility in the fortnight. Punarvasu(4) natives will get a chance to go abroad. Pushya natives should beware of quadrupeds. Aslesha natives engaged in accounts/audit work will prosper.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Gayatri Mantra daily.Perform Aayushya HomaJMaha Mrityunjaya Ultima on a day when your birth star falls, especially before 14. Offer Tulsi to Lord Vishnu during Pooja at home or in a temple. Perform poor feeding especially on Saturdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Donate food to the needy. Pour \Amer onto the roots of Peepal tree every ThursdaY.
Days Most suitable for;
Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am), 13. 14 (after 2 pm), 18 (till 10.30 am). 20. 27. 28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am ). 13, 18 ( till 10.30 am), 20. 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 1. 3, 7, 8. 15 (from 2 pm.). 16 (till 1.45 pm ). 22. 23. 24. 25. 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 24. 25 

MITHUNA Forecast - April 2014

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3, 4), Arudra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3).

Finance: Dance Nv th joy! There will be a big gain of wealth. Salaried class persons will also get increase in emoluments. For betting on a horse. period after 20th will be favourable. You will do charity.

Profession: You need not get disheartened. Definitely your good output will fetch you due recognition. Businessmen can consider expansion of business in the 21 fortnight. Teachers anti person' engaged in communication industry will get appreciation.

Health: Your energy level and stamina will be very good. However, be conservative while eating.

Students: You will excel in studies. Your parents will he very happy about your excellent record.

Family: Wedding bells will ring for some of you. An auspicious function will take place in your house. Youngsters will have a great chance of getting involved in romantic activities.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: You are likely to befriend an influential person in the I fortnight. Avoid had company. if you do so, you can save a lot of trouble. Your enemies will withdraw.

Women: If you are in the marriageable age and efforts are on towards it, your marriage will get finalized by 261". Working women will have to exert a lot in order to fulfil the demands of office and home.

Travels: You are likely to plan to go on a pilgrimage.

Other matters: Success in litigation in the fortnight is a possibility. You will enjoy respect, name and fame. You will devote some time towards spiritual and charitable activities. A few of your efforts would get delayed due to impediments. Mrigasira(3,4) natives should beware of back-biters. Arudra natives should avoid undesirable friendship. For Punarvasu( 1,2, 3) natives, expenses will be high. -

Vedic Remedies: Light ghee lamps before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays during Rahu Kalam. Visit the temple of Lord Dakshinamurthy/Lord Shiva on Thursdays/Pradosham days and offer a savoury item prepared with Channa dal and distribute the same to the devotees. Perform the rituals meant for your forefathers regularly.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Donate sweet prasad at Anjaneya Swami temple, every Tuesday Put curtains on West direction windows / doors.

Days most suitable forTravel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after 2 pm). 18 (till 10.30 am), 20,24 (forenoon), 25, 27,28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20, 24 (forenoon), 27.28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22, 23, 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 22, 23 

VRISHABHA Forecast - April 2014

VRISHABHA (Taurus) Arittika (2, 3, 4), kohini, ilfrigasira (1, 2).

Finance: Inflows will coine front many directions. Your communication skills will contribute to your income. You can hope to gain through horse/cow. Are you not tempted to bet on a horse? You will do charity. Expenses will be more in the 21'd fortnight. Safeguard your wealth. There are chances of theft of personal things.

Profession: There are chances of your being blessed with a new job. Your standing in the organization will rise. You will enjoy higher respect. For an opening in Government, this period will be favourable. Persons engaged in accounts/audit work will thrive. There could be ups and downs in business.

Health: During the )\I fortnight, you will enjoy good health. Diseases, if any, would be cured. Thereafter, consume food that will cool your system. Avoid physical confrontation.

Students: Your studies will go on smoothly. Elders will be happy with your progress.

Family: Your spouse will make you very happy. With the blessings of your elders, your wishes will be fulfilled. A happy celebration will take place in your house. Your children need your support.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your relatives will be happy with you. You will enjoy a nice time with your friends. There could be unnecessary fear from foes, but they won't be able to do any harm to you.

Women: There are chances of a child-birth. Working women will be able to meet the requirements of both office and residence without much difficulty.

Travels: In the 2nd fortnight, there will be useless travels.
Other matters: You will enjoy name and fame. YOU will get good food. Despite all efforts, there will be quarrels.
Krittika(2,3,4) natives are likely to acquire a vehicle. For Rohini natives, a long stand problem will get resolved. Mrigasira (1,2) natives should avoid unnecessary desires,

Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily especi all\ from 14th. Recite 'Om Nano Narayanaya' 12 times daily especially from 20th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikev a on Shashti Thithi and offer red flowers to the deit) . Worship cow, feed her and perform circumambulation. Pray to your family deity frequently.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Gift sweets to your in-laws. Keep a glassful of water near the Head-side of your bed at night and pour it onto a plant or tree in the morning.

Days most suitable for
Travel: 4 (afternoon), 9 (after 7 am). 13, 14 (after 2 pm), 18 (till 10.30 am), 24 (forenoon), 25, 27, 28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 74 (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 19 (from 9.45 pm), 20, 21, 22, 23, 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 19 (from 9.45 pm) 20, 21 

MESHA Forecast - April 2014

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, krittika (I)

Finance: Mixed trends may be observed. Income and expenses will be equally high. There are chances of your acquiring a good plot of land/house. You w II buy Gold.

Profession: You are likely to experience a feeling of depression. But don't worry: do your work sincerely. Your efforts will definitely be recognized. Businessmen will not be happy. Politicians will have to work very hard for achieving success.

Health: Minor health problems could trouble you. But you will be cured of them quickly and you will enjoy good health.

Students: During this period, you will excel in studies. You will consider learning an art like music. If you do so, you will make good progress in it. You will become brave. Family: You won't leave any stone unturned to make your spouse happy. You will enjoy domestic i happiness including fulfilment of carnal pleasures.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your circle of friends will grow. Your friends will be of help to you. Enemies will try to give you pin-pricks. but they won't succeed. Avoid hot words with your relatives and friends.

Women: You will get perfumes and toiletries. You will buy a few pieces of ornaments. Working women will be happy.

Travels: There will be many travels. One of them could be to a foreign country, which will be quite fruitful. There will be many travels. One of them could he to a foreign country. which will be quite fruitful.
Other matters: You will be blessed with tasty food at appropriate time. Eatables will be in plenty in the house. You will enjoy name and fame. Change of place is a possibility after 14th• Keep a leash on your tongue.
Aswini natives should be careful, while working in the kitchen. For Bharani natives, bank balance will rise. Krittika(I) natives should wear clean clothes and overcome itches.

Vedic Remedies: Daily, facing the Sun, in the morning, worship Sun-god by offering water and flowers. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily. Visit the temple of Lord Saturn on Saturdays and light a Til oil lamp before the Lord. Donate Blackgram and Horsegram. Chant Guru Mantra as many times as possible on Thursdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Not to wear Blue clothes. Wear a Silver chain around the neck.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 4 (afternoon). 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after 2 pm), 20, 24 (forenoon), 25, 27, 28 New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 20, 24 (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution:: 2, 3, 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 17 (from 5.45 pm). 18, 19 (till 9.45 pm), 22, 23, 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 12.30

Chandrashtama period: 17 (from 5.45 pm), 18, 19 (till 9.45 pm)