Monday, April 21, 2014

THULA Forecast - April 2014

TULA (Libra) chitra (3,4)„swati, Visakha(1,2,3)

Finance: iconic and other riches will be forthcomina. k tunmunication skills will contribute to your income. lowevc.T different kinds of expenses will make you to privritke your commitments.
Profession: By the grace of God, there are chances of your achieving a high position. You will have a large number of subordinates to assist you. You are likely to get rewards. If you had tried for an opening in the government sector, you will succeed. Writers will get new ideas to develop.
Health: In the 1" fortnight, your energy level and stamina will be very good. Thereafter some minor problems could trouble you. Be conservative, while eating. Move/drive cautiously. Beware of poisonous creatures. Students: Concentrate on your studies. Don't allow your attention to go astray. Family: You will be happy. Your uncle will have a nice time. In the latter part of the month, there are chances of separation from your beloved ones for a short period.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: Your enemies will withdraw. Your rapport with your friends and relatives will he good.
Women: If you are in the family way, you will be blessed with a male child. Be happy about the well-being of your son. Working women will get a pleasant surprise in the office.
Travels: Travels will he enjoyable.
Other matters: You will get gifts. You will enjoy name and fame. Your wishes will be fulfilled. Be careful while conversing in family meets and overcome unwarranted blames.
Chitra(3,4) natives, staying in foreign countries, may not be happy. For Swati natives, their parents need support. Visakha(1,2,3) natives will get leadership positions. 
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayarn daily especially from 14th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam daily, especially from 20th. Recite Hanumaan Chaaleesa daily. Recite 'Om Namah Shivaaya' 12 times daily.
Lalskitab Remedies: Feed any stray dog every Wednesday. Not to keep blunt or rusted iron items knives / scissors etc ) in your house.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 14 (after 2 pm). 18 (till 10.30 am). 20, 24 (forenoon), 25, 27. 28
New Ventures: 9 (after 7 am), 13, 18 (till 10.30 am), 20, 24 (forenoon), 27.28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 4. 5 (till 6.30 pm), 7, 8, 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1.45 pm), 22, 23 29 (from 12.45 pm), 30 (till 4.15 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 3 (from 9.30 am) 4. 5 (till 6.30 pm), 30 (from 4.15 pm) 

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