Monday, April 21, 2014

DHANUSH Forecast - April 2014

DHANU (Sagittarius) Moola, Pooritashada. Unarashada

Finance: t mink, iN\ ill get increased incomc You will pian to acquire a vehicle.
Profession: Your capacity to perform will rise. You Will be able to complete the tasks, as per your desires. You will progress in many ways. A few of  you will get a high position with respectability.
Health: Overall you will enjoy good health. However, wear clean clothes and prevent itches.   Avoid physical confrontation.
Students: There will be clarity in the brain. So you will he able to grasp your lessons easily. You will achieve success. Creative ideas will bloom.
Family : For some of you, wedding bells will ring. Be smiling and accommodative with your children: There could be obstacle.. in fulfilling carnal pleasures,
Relatives, Friends, enemies etc: You will having a chance meet vi nil a class‘rnate and you will he transported to your old childhood days. Friends  will be of help to yozii: You wilt he pratscil your, relatives. In the 2" fortnig, itor could give you a fright.
Women: For unmarried persons, period till 19" will be quite favourable. You will buy things which you wished for. You will get opportunities to beautify yourself. Working women may have to work hard to fulfil the requirements of office and home.
Travels: You you will perform journeys on official purpose and for enjoyment, •
Other matters: Articles of daily need will be in plenty in the house. Work in hand will get delayed, You are likely to undergo unnecessary worries, Follow the traffic rules and avoid penalties. Moola natives should take care of the spouse, i Poorvashad.a natives will have the possibility of getting a leadership position. Uttarashada(1) I • natives could suffer from indecision.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily. Perform Surya Namaskar in open air, in the morning. Light ghee lamps before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays during Rahu Kalam. Recite 'Om Nam° Narayana' 12 times daily, especially from 20th. I Perform the rituals meant for your forefathers iregularly, without fail. Help as much as you can, to I clean a temple.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
On a Saturday , donate Green-coloured sweets to itlabourers. Not to consume Alcohol in any form.
Days most suitable forTraVel: 4 (afternoon), 13, 14 (after 2 pm), 18 (till 10.30 arm). 20, 24 (forenoon), 25, 27, 28
New Ventures: 13. 18 -11111.0.30 am), 20. 24 t • (forenoon), 27,28
Days of abundant caution: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4.45 pm), 15 (from 2 pm), 16 (till 1,45 pm), 29 (from 12A5 p 30 (till 12.30 pm)

Chandrashtama period: 8, 9, 10 (till 4.45 pm) 

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