Wednesday, October 29, 2014

MAKARA Forecast November - 2014

MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada (2, 3, 4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1, 2)

Finance: You will gel income from many directions. Increase in emoluments may he noted. There will be gains from cow/horse especially in the last week. You will consider buying a good plot of land. Different kinds of expenses will give you worries.

Profession: Your capability to perform will rise. Be happy. You will get appreciation in career. There are chances of your getting a new position with respectability. Businessmen can consider expansion of business in the 2" fortnight. There will be gain from government.

Health: Your stamina and energy level will be good. You will be cured of diseases, if any.

Students: You will excel in studies. You will also perform well in other activities.

Family: You will enjoy domestic happiness. Happy celebrations will take place in the house. Fulfilment of carnal pleasures will be satisfactory. With the blessings of your elders, you will succeed in your efforts.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow. One of the new additions will be a great person. Your relatives will be happy with you. Your enemies will be destroyed. Women: You willand Silver ornaments.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 2. 6, 9, 10, 12 (before 3.30 pm), 17 (after 7.30 am). 20 (after 1 pm), 24 (after 2 pm). 27, 2S (afternoon)
New Ventures: 2. 6. 9. 10. 12 (before 3.30 pm). 20 (after 1 pm). 27. 28 (afternoon)
Days of abundant caution: 1 (till 4.15 pm). 5, 7, 12 (from 3.30 pm). 13, 14. 15. 16. 22 (after 6.45 pm). 23, 29,30

Chandrashtama period: 12 (from 3.30 pm). 

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