Wednesday, October 29, 2014

VRISHCHIKA Forecast November - 2014

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha (4), Anuradha, Jyeshta :

Finance: All days are not Sundays. Good and bad comes in a cycle. During this month, expenses will be high and you will experience financial crunch.

Profession: Sincerity and hard work alone pay. If   you do so, your employer will be satisfied. Don't do export/import business by taking loan. Persons indulging in races, gambling, etc. will suffer.

Health: Minor problems due to excess of heat, etc. could trouble you a little. Beware of joint pain.

Students: You should concentrate on your studies and not waste your precious time on useless matters.

Family: Conjugal harmony will thrive. A happy celebration will take place in your family. There are great chances of unmarried persons getting married.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You could be sad due to separation from friends and relatives. Try to ensure good rapport with your friends and relatives. Distance yourself from enemies.

Women: If you are in the marriageable age, unmarried and efforts are going on, your marriage will be finalized. You will get perfumes and toiletries. Safeguard your dresses. Working women will be happy.

Travels: You will perform many unnecessary • journeys.

 Other matters: You will be blessed with tasty meals, sound sleep and enjoyment. Change of place is a possibility after 15th. There could be disappointment in a matter.

Visakha(4) natives could get a government favour.
Anuradha natives should avoid entering into unknown water bodies.
Jyeshta natives should not stand surety.

Vedic Remedies: Daily, facing the East. in the morning, preferably during Sun-rise, worship Sun God by offering water and flowers. Meditate on Mother Goddess always in your mind. Recite Om Nam() Naaraayanaaya 12 times daily. Poor feeding is the best remedy to please Lord Saturn. Perform the rituals meant for your forefathers.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Whenever possible, feed the monkeys with Bananas. Not to wear Black clothes.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 2, 6, 9, 12 (after 3.30 pm), 13, 17 (after 7.30 am), 20 (after 1 pm), 24 (after 2 pm), 27, 28 (afternoon)
New Ventures: 2, 6, 9, 12 (after 3.30 pm), 13, 20 (after I pm). 27, 28 (afternoon)
Days of abundant caution: 1 (till 4.15 pm), 5, 7, I0, 11, 12 (till 3.30 pm), 14, 15,16, 22 (after 6.45 pm), 23, 29, 30

Chandrashtama period: 10, 11, 12 (till 3.30 pm) 

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