Tuesday, February 3, 2015

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4), Hasta, Chitta (1,2)

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4), Hasta, Chitta (1,2)
Finance: There will be increase in income. Loans lent will be recovered. You will gain Gold. You will do charity. Agricultural lands will give increased produce. However, expenses will be high, after 116).

Profession: You will perform a difficult task, which was abandoned earlier as impossible. If you had applied for a position in the government, you will get a favourable response. You are also likely to get a government favour. Working persons should perform their assignments sincerely and satisfy their bosses. There will be a boost for the persons in the publishing industry.

Health: You will enjoy good health. You will be cured of disease, if any. Your stomach will have the strength to digest food. Avoid crowded places.

Students: You will succeed in your efforts, due to your intelligence.

Family: Your mind will be filled with happiness. A happy celebration will take place in your house. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. A little light-hearted approach is what is required when you move with your children, spouse and the women in the house. Your spouse needs your support.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will win over enemies. Can you afford to antagonise your friends and relatives? Your circle of friends could shrink. Avoid bad company.

Women: For unmarried girls, marriage will get finalize You will get Golden ornaments and new dresse Working women will be happy.

Travels: There will be frequent travels from 16th.

Other matters: You will be blessed with tasty food, ; the appropriate time. The existing misunderstanding wi end. Essential items will be in plenty in your house.

For Uttaraphalguni(2,3,4) natives, bank balance wil rise. For Hasta natives, a long distance travel will b gainful. For Chitra(1,2) natives, there will be succes in litigation, if any.

Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam dai13 especially till 12th. Visit the temple of Goddes! Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offere white lotus flower to the deity. Offer Tulsi to Lord Vishnu on Wednesdays while doing Puja at home or in the temple. Donate Tut dal on Tuesdays. Recite Om Namah Shivaaya 12 times daily.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Be optimistic and speak only positively. Feed sweet Biscuits to the crows, every Saturday.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 18 (forenoon), 22
New Ventures: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 22
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5 (till 7.15 am), 11 (from 4.45 pm), 12, 13 (till 4.30 pm), 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 (till 4.15 pm)
Chandrashtama period: 23, 24

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