Tuesday, February 3, 2015

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3, 4), Arudra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3).

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3, 4), Arudra, Punarvasu (1, 2, 3).
finance: Your financial situation will improve nsiderably. There will be a big gain of wealth. You '11 dopoor feeding and other forms of charity.

Profession: A rich and philanthropic person will become close to you and through that person, you will make rapid strides in life. For change of job 2"d fortnight will be favourable. Accounts personnel will be happy.

Health: Move/drive cautiously. You will, of course, check the essential devices like brake in your vehicle before driving. Avoid physical confrontation. Take preventive measures to overcome itches.

Students: There will be clarity in the brain and that you will be able to grasp your lessons easily. When this is so, can success lag behind?

Family: there are chances of your marriage with a Jerson belonging to an influential family. A few ofyou Oil have a love marriage in a foreign country. There vill be happiness. A happy celebration will take place in /our house. Some youngsters will be entangled with .omance.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Try to ensure a rood rapport with your friends and relatives. Distance /ourself from enemies.

Women: You will get dresses, ornaments, luxury items Ind things for your hobby. By the grace of God, birth of son is a possibility. Period till 15th will be favourable sor marriage. If you are a working woman, due to your ;oft nature, you may be able to manage your twin "esponsibilities. T

Travels: There will be many journeys in the 1St fortnight.

Other matters: You will enjoy vehicle facility. You will get opportunities to help others. You will devote more ime towards spiritual and charitable activities. Change )f residence is a possibility after 12th. Avoid heated arguments.

Mrigasira(3,4) natives will enjoy tasty food, with good lairy products. Arudra natives can try to practice meditation/yoga. Punarvasu(1,2,3) natives, if unemployed, will be blessed with a job.

Vedic Remedies: Daily, facing the East, in the morning, preferably during Sun rise, worship Sun- god by offering water and flowers. Perform Aayushya Homa/Maha Mrityunjaya Homa on a day, when your birth star falls. Light Ghee lamps before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays during Rahu Kalam.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Keep a Yellow handkerchief with you. Worship Goddess Durga every Wednesday.

Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 22, 23
New Ventures: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 22, 23
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5 (till 7.15 am), 11 (from 4.45 pm), 12, 13 (till 4.30 pm), 16 (from 6 pm), 17, 18 (till 9.15 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26, 27 (till 4.15 pm)
Chandrashtama period: 16 (from 6 pm), 17, 18 (till 9.15 pm)

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