Wednesday, June 10, 2015

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3)

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3)

Finance: There will be gains. Family will get increased income. You will consider buying a vehicle. Safeguard your valuables.
Profession: Your capacity to work will increase. Creative ideas will bloom. Your respect will rise. 
Health: Only minor problems will trouble you. Eat conservatively and avoid any problem of indigestion.
Students: There will be clarity in your mind and that you will learn your lessons easily. You will do well in your examinations.
Family: Wedding bells will ring for some of you. There will be obstacles in fulfilling carnal desires. Your spouse and children need your help and support.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Relatives will come to you and they will praise you. Distance
yourself from bad company. You are likely to have unnecessary fear of the enemies.
Women: For working women, matters regarding career advancement are likely to fructify after some delay. Beware of back-biters.
Travels: There will be different kinds of travels including one on a picnic and another on business. 
Other matters: You will enjoy respect, name and fame. There could be delay in the work in hand. There is a possibility of theft of personal things in the 21'd fortnight. Avoid arguments with others. Follow the traffic rules and avoid penalties. Dhanishta(3,4) natives should talk cautiously and avoid quarrels. Satabisha natives will have some inexplicable fear. Poorvabhadra(1,2,3) natives may go away from their regular place of stay.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily. Try to forego one time meal on Sundays, especially after 14th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers. Visit the temple of Goddess Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offer White Lotus flowers. Recite.
Days of abundant caution:  1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14. 15 (6116.30 am), 16 (from 5.51 pm). 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 30
Chandrashtama days: 16 (from 5.51 pm), 17, 18.

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