Wednesday, June 10, 2015

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krit1ika (1)

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krit1ika (1)

Finance: You need not worry. Money will come. Your communication skills will contribute to your income. Businessmen will earn profit. There is a likelihood of your acquiring a house or a piece of land.
Profession: There could be a dip in your enthusiasm in the fortnight. Your employer may not be very happy with you. Some of you would get a new position, more so, a position of power and authority in the 2"' fortnight. Your hard work will be duly rewarded. Politicians will be happy. Health: There may be a minor trouble in the eye/head in the first half of the month. Thereafter you will be cured of the diseases, if any, and you will enjoy good health.
Students: Your face will glitter with intelligence. You will excel in studies.
Family: You will enjoy food with your spouse and children. Health of your parents will not give you any worries. Avoid harsh words especially towards your children.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow with the addition of a great person as your friend. You will have a good rapport with your friends and relatives. You will spend an enjoyable time with them over food. Your friends and relatives will help you in times of need. Your enemies will be destroyed.
Women: Pregnant women am likely to deliver a beautiful male child. You will get new dresses and ornaments. Working women will be quite happy. Travels: You will enjoy the travels you make. Other matters: You will be kind to others. You will excuse the errors of others. You will effect improvement in your house. There are chances of your visiting a theme park and enjoy rides. You will be blessed with tasty food. There could be an occasion for disappointment in the PI fortnight. Beware of cheats. Change of residence is a possibility, after 14".
Aswini natives will involve themselves in virtuous activities. Bharani natives will get the help of siblings. Krittika(1) natives will get transfer to the place of their liking.
Vedic Remedies: Recite 'Om Namah Shivaaya' as many times as possible daily, especially on Sundays. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers to the Lord. Forego one time meal on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days. Recite Om Namo Naaraayanaaya 12 times daily. Visit the temple of Lord Hanuman on Saturdays and offer Butter or a garland of tadas'(a savoury item, made of Urid dal). Make donations to orphanages/old-age homes. Pray to Guru Raghavendra especially on Thursdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Feed Green grass / Spinach to 2 cows daily. Maintain hannonious relationship with spouse's family.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am), 12, 15 (afternoon), 16 (till 7.35 pm), 18, 22 (afternoon), 26 (after 8 am)
New Ventures: 4, 7 (forenoon), 8, 11 (after 6 am). 12, 26 (after 8 am)
Days of abundant caution: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9. 10, 13 (from 8.25 am), 14, 15 (till 6.30 am), 16 (from 7.35 pm). 17 (till 7 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26 (till 8 am), 28, 29, 30
Chandrashtama days: I (from 1.20 pm), 2, 3 (till 7.50 pm), 29. 30

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