Tuesday, February 3, 2015

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3)

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3)
Finance: Expenses will be high in the l fortnight. Thereafter, your financial position will improve considerably, due to the Grace of Goddess Mahalakshmi. You will Dian to buy a good vehicle.
Agricultural lands will give increased produce.

Profession: You will be blessed with a new position with respect and facilities. Employees should work sincerely and keep the employers in good humour. Businessmen should avoid risks. Those engaged in scientific research will come up with new ideas.

Health: Consume food, which will cool your system. Avoid physical confrontation. Move/drive carefully. Students: This month will help studious persons.

Family: You will enjoy domestic happiness. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. An auspicious function will take place in your family.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Be cautious while befriending a person of other sex. You may be sad due to separation from friends and relatives. You are likely to be frightened by your foes.

Women: You will be blessed with Golden ornaments, perfumes and cosmetics. Pregnant ladies will be blessed with a good-natured child. For working persons, things will move slowly.

Travels: There could be unnecessary wandering.

Other matters: You will get tasty meals, sound sleep and enjoyment. You will buy things for your bed-room. There won't be any dearth of dairy products. You will get an opportunity to meet a VIP. Change of place is a possibility in the 2nd fortnight. Your efforts are likely to be delayed.

Dhanishta(3,4) natives should beware of cheats. Satabisha natives should safeguard their valuables. Poorvabhadra (1,2,3) natives should be cautious about their partners.

Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam dail Visit the temple of Goddess Durga on Tuesdays at light ghee lamps before the Goddess. Chant Ha naama with a garland of Tulsi-mani in hand. Worshi cow, feed her and perform circumamabulatioi Donate Blackgram/umbrella.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Practice meditation daily. Not to stand guarantee for anybody.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 1 (after 6 pm), 15 (till 12.45 pm), H (forenoon), 22, 23
New Ventures: 1 (after 6 pm), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 22, 23
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5 (till 7.15 am), 7 (from 12.30 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 pm), 11 (from 4.45 pm), 12, 13 (till 4.30 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26, 27 (till 4.15
Chandrashtama period: 7 (from 12.30 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 pm)

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