Tuesday, February 3, 2015

TULA (Libra) Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (1,2,3)

TULA (Libra) Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (1,2,3)
Finance: Family will get increased income. You will buy gold. Your communication skills will contribute to your income. Loans borrowed will be repaid. Fanners will get increased return. Safeguard your I belongings.

Profession: Your capacity to work will increase. Creative ideas will bloom in your mind. You will befriend a high official and through him, you will progress. Positions such as that of minister, commander, etc. will come to you. Persons in the art and cultural field will get new avenues to showcase their ability.

Health: Only minor problems like cold or fever would affect you during this month.

Students: There will be clarity in your brain and that grasping of lessons will not be difficult. Can there be any doubt in the success in the examinations?

Family: For some, wedding bells will ring. Your parents will be happy. There will be obstacles in fulfilling carnal desires in the 1" fortnight.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will be praised by relatives. Your parents need your help and support. Your enemies will try to frighten you, but they won't succeed. You will win over them.

Women: If you are in the marriageable age, not married and efforts are on in this direction, your marriage will be finalized. Pregnant ladies will invariably give birth to a male child. The child will be good-natured. Your children will be in the best of health. You will get Gold ornaments. Working women will be happy.

Travels: There will be different kinds of travels —picnic, official trip, etc.

Other matters: You will enjoy respect, name and fame. Work in hand will get delayed. Follow the rules and avoid penalty.

Chitra(3,4) natives will do charity. For Swati natives, expenses will increase. Visakha(1,2,3) natives should take rest after hard work.

Vedic Remedies: Daily, early in the morning, facing the East, worship Lord Sun by offering water and flowers. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Worship cow, _feed her and perform circumambulation. Chant Guru Mantra as many times as possible. Visit the temple of Lord Saturn and light a Til oil lamp. Show respect to the elders & teachers and seek their blessings.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Use a Maroon-coloured pillow cover. Not to have irritable nature.

Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 18 (forenoon), 22, 23
New Ventures: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 22, 23
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5 (till 7.15 am), 11 (from 4.45 pm), 12, 13 (till 4.30 pm), 19, 24, 25, 26, 27 (till 4.15 pm)
Chandrashtama period: 25, 26, 27 (till 12 noon)

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