Tuesday, February 3, 2015

SIMHA (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni (1)

SIMHA (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni (1)
Finance: You will be blessed with different kinds of riches. There will be increase in income. Your communication skills will fetch you income. Bank balance will rise. You will acquire a plot of land. However, don't be a spend-thrift.

Profession: There are possibilities of your getting a high position. There will be many supporting staff. If you had applied for a government job, you will get a favourable message. You are likely to get a government favour. Writers will progress well.

Health: During the 1St fortnight, you will enjoy good health. Diseases, if any, would be cured. Thereafter, be conservative, while eating. Beware of poisonous creatures. Avoid quarrels. Beware of slip and fall.

Students: Your intelligence will improve. You will succeed in your efforts in studies.

Family: Your spouse will keep you happy. A happy celebration will take place in your house. During the 1st fortnight, avoid any arguments with your spouse and safeguard peace at home. Your spouse needs your help and support.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your enemies viii withdraw. You will meet an old friend in the 2nd ortnight. Your rapport with your relatives will be good. void bad company.

Women: For marriage, period from 16th will be favourable. Family life will be happy. You will buy new dresses and ornaments. For working women, things will move slowly.

Travels: There will be frequent travels.

Other matters: You will be quite popular. You will enjoy name and fame. Your efforts will succeed. Don't stand surety.

For Makha natives, spouse will be very co-operative. Poorvaphalguni natives, singles ones, will be blessed with a spouse from a rich family. For Uttaraphalguni(1) natives, loans lent will be recovered.

Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily, especially from 13th. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red flowers to the Lord. Visit the temple of Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offer White Lotus flowers to the Goddess.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Gift sweet biscuits to widows, as often as possible. Be kind to your spouse and praise him/her in public.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 18 (forenoon), 23
New Ventures: 1 (after 6 pm), 8, 9 (till 9.30 am), 15 (till 12.45 pm), 23
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5 (till 7.15 am), 11 (from 4.45 pm), 12, 13 (till 4.30 pm), 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 (till 4.15 pm)
Chandrashtama period: 21, 22

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