Saturday, March 1, 2014

KATAKA Forcast - March 2014

KATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha

Finance: There will be gain of wealth. This will be more so from I 2th• You can expect gains from land, plot or house.

Profession: A few of you will achieve a rise in career with high status. If you wish to get a government job, this is the favourable time to try for the same. Some of you will get a government honour. For change of job, period from l2'' will be apt. This month will be good for those dealing in liquids.

Health: Take care of your stomach. Don't over-eat. Avoid eating from unhygienic places. Drink clean water. Check the brake etc. before driving. Say "no" to rash driving.

Students: There will be clarity in your brain and that you will grasp your lessons easily. When this is so, can there be - any doubt about your success in the examinations'?

Family: Can you afford to ensure peace at home, if you have arguments with the women members of the family? A little light-hearted attitude is what is required on your side. Your spouse needs your attention.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Avoid friendship of undesirable persons, as it would bring unnecessary problems. Move with your relatives smilingly. Your enemies will lie low.

Women: Child-birth is indicated for some of you. The child could invariably be a son. You will acquire new dresses. Working women will have to exert a lot for meeting the demands from both home and office.

Travels: There will be many journeys, both official and personal.

Other matters: You will get opportunities to help others. Follow the rules and avoid penalties. There could be a change of house after I 4th• Avoid talking about controversial matters with strangers. You could face some amount of opposition here and there.
Punarvasu(4) natives will incur expenses on auspicious purposes. Pushya natives will have the • chance to go to a foreign country, all of a sudden. Aslesha natives can gain through speculation.

Vedic Remedies: Worship Sun-god daily, by offering water and flowers early in the morning. Perform Aayushya Homa/Mrityunjaya Homa after 13th on a day when your birth star falls. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Recite Hari Nama with a garland of Tulsi Mani, especially till 11th. Visit the temple of Goddess Mahalakshmi on Fridays and offer White Lotus flowers to the Goddess. Perform poor feeding on Saturdays.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Plant a Neem tree in any garden and take its care regularly. Not to indulge in speculative activities.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 10 (after 1 pm), 12, 16 (after 1.30 pm), 19, 26, 27 (forenoon) 30
New Ventures: 12, 19, 26, 27 (forenoon) 30
Days of abundant caution: 1, 2 (till 1.30 pm), 6, 7, 8 (after 10 am), 9, 10 (till 1 pm), 14, 17. 23, 24, 25 (till 2 pm), 27 (from 7.30 pm), 28,29 (till 9.30 pm), 31

Chandrashtama period: 1.2 (till 1.30 pm), 27 (from 7.30 pm), 28, 29 (till 9.30 pm)

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