Saturday, March 1, 2014

KUMBHA Forecast - March 2014

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta (3, 4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (I, 2,3)

Finance: The situation may not be that bad. You will acquire income, but there could be a little fall. This could cause certain amount of financial stringency. Keep expenses on entertainment, under strict control. Businessmen should avoid risks, as any loss in business could invite humiliation in the society.

Profession: You could feel certain amount of depression during this period, especially till 13th. The situation will change thereafter for the better. Working persons should do their work sincerely and satisfy their superiors. Businessmen will not be happy.

Health: Do take good care of your health. Consume nutritious food. Rejuvenate yourself after hard work. Avoid crowded places. Be cautious, while moving' driving.

Students: Concentrate on your studies and don't waste Your precious time on useless matters. Family: You will leave no stone unturned to please your spouse. You will fulfil carnal desires satisfactorily. Keep a leash over your tongue in family meets.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Try to avoid undesirable arguments with your friends and relatives. Your enemies could try to give you trouble. Therefore, try to distance yourself from them.

Women: Safeguard your dresses, as there are chances of a few of them getting stolen. Your rapport with your better-half will be good. Working women will be happy.

Travels: There will be a number of journeys, one of which in the 1st fortnight could be quite tiresome.

Other matters: Consumable items will be in plenty in the house. You could experience a little dependent. Beware of cheats. Change of place is a possibility in the lst fortnight. There could be certain amount of reduced respect.
Dhanishta(3,4) natives should avoid physical confrontation. Satabisha natives could consider learning an occult science. For Poorvabhadra(1,2,3) nativ an auspicious function will take place in the house.

Vedic Remedies: Recite Anditya hridayam daily. Skip one time meal on Wednesdays if all dasi days. Light ghee lamps before Goddess Durga on Tuesdays, especially during Rahu Kalam. Worship Lord Dhanvantri.

Lal-ldtab Remedies: Donate 11 pieces of any Green vegetable to any poor girl on Wednesdays. Drive very carefully.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 10 (after 1 pm), 12, 16 (til) 7.30 pm), 19, 26, 27 (forenoon) 30
New Ventures: 12, 19, 26, 27 (forenoon) 30
Days of abundant caution: 1 (after 2.45 pm), 2 (till 12.45 pm), 6, 7, 8 (after 10 am), 9, 10 (till 1 pm), 14,16 (from 7.30 pm), 17, 18, 23, 24,25 (till 2 pm), 31

Chandrashtama period: 16 (from 7.30 pm), 17, 18

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