Saturday, March 1, 2014

MEENA Forecast - March 2014

MEENA (Pisces) Poorvabhadra (4), Uttarabhadra, Revati.

Finance: Inflow will be good. You will gain through cow/ horse. There is a possibility of your owning a plot of land or house. Bank balance will rise. Expenses will be high.

Profession: You will experience a certain amount of depressed feeling. This tendency will be short-lived. Perform your assignments sincerely and you will surely be rewarded. Businessmen should avoid risks.

Health: Consume food having Iron and overcome problems due to Anaemia. Move cautiously and avoid slip and fall. Avoid physical confrontation. Take adequate rest, after hard work.

Students: You will excel in studies. You will think of learning an art like music and if you do so, you will become an expert. You will become brave.

Family: You will do everything possible, to keep your spouse PleaSed, You Will be able to fulfil carnal pleasures satisfactorily.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle friends will be big and you will be benefit greatly from them. Avoid any adverse arguments with your relatives. Your enemies will try to give you pin-prick

Women: You will get many ornaments. You will get perfumes and toiletry. Working women will be able to manage the responsibilities of house and office very well.

Travels: One of the journeys will be to a foreign land, which will be quite gainfill.

Other matters: You will get tasty food and at appropriate time. Gods will ensure safety and protection. Articles of daily need will be in plenty in your house. You will be kind to all. Don't stand surety. There will be a fear of being dependent. Avoid angry words.
Poorvabhadra (4) natives should not indulge in gambling. Uttarabhadra natives should desist undesirable friendship. Revati natives will consider going on a picnic.

Vedic Remedies: Daily, facing the East, in the morning, preferably during Sunrise, worship Sun-god by offering water and flowers. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays. Avoid one time meal on Wednesdays or Ekadasi days. Render help to a student with educational material and uniform. Visit the temple of Lord Saturn on Saturdays and light a Til oil lamp before the Lord. Pray to Lord Shiva and offer Him Bilwa leaves.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Every Saturday, donate sweets to 8 poor persons. Read Hanuman Chalisa every Tuesday.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 10 (after 1 pm), 12, 16 (after 1.30 pin), 26, 27 (forenoon) 30 New Ventures: 12, 26, 27 (forenoon) 30
Days of abundant caution: I (after 2.45 pm), 6, 7, 8 (after 10 am), 9, 10 (till I pin), 14, 17, 19,20, 21 (till 9.45 am), 23, 24, 25 (till 2 pm), 31

Chandrashtama period: 19, 20, 21 (till 9.45am)

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