Saturday, March 1, 2014

MITHUNA Forcast - March 2014

MITHUNA (Gemini) Ifrigasira (3, 4), A rudra, Punarvasu (I, 2, 3).

Finance: There will be gain in riches. There are chances of your getting a plot of land. You will plan to buy a good house. Theft of personal things is a possibility.

Profession: You will experience certain amount of anxiety in the 1 '' fortnight. Thereafter, you will complete a difficult task. If you consider a switch over. 14th fortnight will be favourable. Auditors and journalists will do well after 14th.

Health: You should take good care of your health. Don't indulge in any adventurous activities. Check the vehicle before taking it out. Strictly adhere to the speed limits.

Students: You will excel in your studies as your preparations will be good.

Family: You will get all kinds of happiness through your spouse. A happy celebration will take place in your family. You could experience mental anguish due to children. Be cautious, while talking in family meets.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. One of your new friends would be a famous person. You will meet a good old friend and spend a pleasant time. Avoid arguments with your relatives. You could experience fear of your foes.

Women: Unmarried women can hope to get married. Pregnant women will give birth to a male child. You will get new dresses. Working women will be happy.

Travels: There will be many journeys including travel by air.

Other matters: Success in litigation after 14th may be noted. Change of residence is a possibility. Don't give room for unnecessary desires. Safeguard your things. Mrigasira(3,4) natives should avoid controversies and arguments. Arudra natives could suffer from indecision. Punarvasu(1,2,3) natives will have lack of rapport with a few relatives.

Vedic Remedies: Recite 'Om Namah Shivaaya' or Sri Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra as many times as possible. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of red flowers to the deity. Pray to your Family deity frequently. Recite 'Om Namo Naaraayanaaya' 12 times daily, especially from 12th. Pray to Lord Dakshinamurti/Shiva on Thursdays and Prado sham days; offer a savoury item with Channa dal and distribute a portion of the same to the devotees.

Lal-kitab Remedies: Feed sweet Biscuits to crows daily. Read Sani stothra every Saturday, after taking bath.

Days most suitable for:

Travel: 10 (after 1 pm), 12, 16 (after 1.30 pm), 19, 30
New Ventures: 12, 19, 30
Days of abundant caution: 1 (after 2.45 pm), 2 (till 12.45 pm), 6, 7, 6 (after 10 am), 9, 10 (till 1 pm), 14, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 21 (till 7.30 pm), 31

Chandrashtama period: 25 (from 4.45 pm), 26, 27 (till 7.30 pm)

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