Thursday, January 1, 2015

Dhanus (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada

Dhanus (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada
Jupiter is Retrograde in the 8th house Cancer (Kataka) till 10th April 2015 and becomes Direct then. It is in Cancer till 14th July 2015 and thereafter moves to the 9th in Leo. Saturn is in the 12th in Scorpio ;
Rahu is in the 10th in Virgo and Ketu is in the 4th in Pisces throughout the year.
General: Sagittarius is the symbol of effort and enthusiasm. Those born in this Rasi (Sagittarius) are deductive and inspirational. They are fond of sports and external pleasures. They always aim at the highest. They are interested in philosophy. They aspire for a lofty ideal. They are rebellious, jovial and optimistic. They are hopeful of providential assistance. They will experience the dualistic extremes of fortune and misfortune.
Family: Home environment will cause unnecessary worries and anxieties to the natives of this Rasi. They will be disliked by others. They have to face opposition from sons and relatives. They should try to learn to control their negative feelings. They will neither have mental peace nor happiness either at home or outside. Disagreement with wife, partners and elders, and separation from family will add more worries and disturb mental peace. The second half of the year will be a little better, as Jupiter enters Leo, the ninth house to Sagittarius.
Finance: The natives do not pay too much attention to their finances. They will spend to enjoy the finer things in life. They should understand that even though they can afford something now, they might not be able to do the same in the future. It would be wise to prepare for the future financially. In the second half of the year, there will be financial stability, harmony and peace at home, success in all efforts and relief from all difficulties. Expenses will outweigh the income. However, auspicious expenses will be there. They will not enjoy the comforts, convenience and conveyance as they desire. Loss of money through speculation, horse-race, gambling and lending are also foreseen. Some of them will get implicated in litigation
Career: The natives of this Rasi want to become more comfortable in their work-area. They should be deft in their work to gain more power. They should learn the art of adjusting and accommodating with co-workers and subordinates. Periodical review of their work will help them a lot, to succeed in their career. By nature, they know to climb the ladder of life. They want to have control over every aspect of their lives, a weakness indeed.
Health: The natives will be preoccupied with the world around them that they may forget or find no time to take care of their health. This will lead to deterioration of health. They will sometimes get affected by liver complaints or stomach upset or heart ailments. A feeling of insecurity will rise in them, which will affect their health. But, things will come round in favour of the natives after July, when Jupiter transits to Leo.
Women: Women born in this Rasi will be bold, adventurous and masculine in appearance, speech and behaviour. Women employees will get troubles from their masters, criticism from superiors, sudden transfers, and financial stress and strain. Saturn in the 12th (Scorpio) will cause unnecessary expenses at the financial side. Further, this is the beginning of Sade-sati. They should be careful in their utterances. A little relief will be felt in the second half of the year. A few of them will have health problems owing to Wind and Kapha. If Dasas and Buktis are good, the transit results will be moderate.
Students: This year is an adventurous ride to the students of this Rasi. Instead of jumping into every opportunity that they come across, they are advised to plan systematically and do things accordingly. Sticking to the commitments is very important. Hurdles and obstacles in the way of success will baffle them, but hard work and sincere perseverance will take them to their goal.
Moola Mixed results will be experienced by those born in this star. Jupiter in the 8th will give obstacles in the beginning, but reward the natives in the end. They have to realize that there are no freebees in life, in order to overcome symptoms of disease. In a few cases, accidents and ailments will make them realize that they lack necessary humility.
Poorvashada A few of the natives of this star will get indirect income and extra remuneration for work. Some will have a sudden revelation of secrets of life. Problems at work place will cause mental worries and anxieties. Purchase of new electrical or electronic household appliances is possible. However, Saturn in the 12th will often give mental worries. Unexpected expenses will pinch the purse of the natives.
Uttarashada 1 Home environment will lack harmony. Worries in the areas of comforts, convenience and conveyance will torment the minds of the natives. Troubles from unexpected quarters will also arise. But there will be a little consolation at work place. You will incur auspicious expenses. This year, the bad effects of Sade- sati will be less. On the whole, this year, the natives will have moderate results from the transits of planets.
Vedic remedies Sagittarius is the temple of Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Jupiter is the planet of knowledge and wisdom. Hence, Lord Hayagreeva (God with Horse face) or Lord Dhakshinamoorti can be worshipped. Thursdays will be good for worship. Offering of Bengal Gram, Ghee, Yellow silk clothes to the temple or to the poor will do good to the natives. Recitation of Hayagreeva slokas or Dhakshinamoorti's slokas will ward of the 'evil effects of the transits of planets. As the natives would experience the effects of Sade-sati, they are advised to propitiate Satum (Sani) by offering black clothes and sesame rice to the poor on Saturdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Every Thursday, donate a handful of Yellow Chana dal in any temple. Pour water onto the roots of a Peepal tree, every Thursday morning.

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