Thursday, January 1, 2015

Simha (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttraphalguni 1

Simha (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttraphalguni 1
(Jupiter remains is retrograde in Cancer (12th house) and turns Direct on 20th May. On 15th July, it enters Leo (Pt house).
Saturn continues in Scorpio (Pt house) throughout 2015. It is in the 4' house to Leo. It retrogrades on 16th March, 2015 and turns Direct on 4th August 2015.
Rahu is in Virgo, 2nd house to Leo and Ketu is in Pisces, 8th house to Leo, throughout the year.
General: Those who are born in this Rasi (Leo) will be very possessive and inspirational. They are large minded, powerful, loving and strong. Their appearance will be stately and proud as a lion. They will be capable of guiding others. Their destiny will bring them to the front.
Family: Till July, there will be problems at home. Chances of separation from the family owing to transfer or change of job are indicated. Some will face enmity of relatives. A few will change their residence. Mother's health will be affected. Life will appear disgusting to a few. Auspicious expenses will occur. After July, things at the home-front will improve a little for the better.
Finance: Natives of this Rasi will find it difficult to make both ends meet during this year. They are advised not to borrow indiscriminately to meet the increased expenses. They should be careful in their speculative and gambling activities. Danger of theft of valuables is also foreseen. Finance is the most hazardous area for these people. However, they are advised to think positively to overcome the stress and strain in life at this period. Loss of all comforts and loss of lands and estates are also predicted. They become puppets in the hands of destiny. They should be careful, when stand on surety to others. Those running favourable dasa-bhuktis will not suffer much.
Career: Impediments in business and profession are seen. The enemies will conspire against the natives of this Rasi. Some have to face hindrances in every effort. There will be troubles during travels. They should guard themselves against government penalty and mental tension. But chances of exhibiting their creative talents will make them thrive in their chosen job. Mutual trust and positive acknowledgements will allow the natives to succeed in their career-front. Their ability to be social and interactive will bring them success. They are born victims to praise or flattery. It is important for them to praise others and make them feel happy, at times. Let them not bother about what anyone says, during this time. This is the best way to keep calm and live in peace. Let them take interest in spiritual as well as religious activities, to feel quite better.
Health: The natives of this Rasi should not worry about their health. However, Saturn in the 4th can upset their health a little. Rheumatic pains will bring discomfort to them. Tension and worries at the work-spot will also affect their health. They should guard against stomach problems. Throat and eyes may become the centres of problems. Indigestion owing to over-eating will be cause of stomach ailments. The natives must realize that both mental and physical balance will help them a lot during this period. Most of them will like to be away from people and enjoy solitude.
Women: Women of this Rasi should be careful about the health of their life-partners and children. Women employees will face problems at their work-spot. They have to deal with rough people. Subordinates will be a little revolting against women. Health may also get affected. A few will suffer from uterus trouble. Proper check-ups will do them good.
Students: Students aspiring for higher education and research will face some difficulty in the first half of the year. Second half will be a little beneficial. They will gain some new information in their studies. This is the time to explore the hidden potentialities in them.
Makha Till 15th July, persons born in Makha will face auspicious expenses and foreign contacts. Some will have chances of going abroad. But the second half (August to December) will be a difficult one, as Jupiter transits in Makha (Jan ma Nakshtra), Poorvaphalguni and Uttraphalguni. Pay your bills promptly, so that you don't have to face any financial issues, Saturn's sojourn in Anuradha Nakshtra during this year will be good. Mixed results will be seen.
Poorvaphalguni Till August, persons born in Poorvaphalguni will have a better period, as Jupiter transits in favourable stars. Expansion in every walk of life is expected. Desires will be fulfilled. Only moderate benefits will be seen after August. They have to take care of their health. Sudden and unexpected expenses will upset the mind of the natives. Those, whose Dasa and Bukti are not good, will have a bad time this year. Spouses I partners will become more demanding than usual.
Uttraphalguni Jupiter's transit in Aslesha and Saturn's transit in Anuradha will give mixed results to the natives of this star. They will feel that everything is beyond their control and lose confidence. They should not get influenced by superficial conversations. But they will overcome all problems by Divine Grace. They are advised not to indulge in Share trade and gambling. They should avoid long journeys and try to give more importance to professional concerns.
Vedic remedies Red or Orange clothes are to be distributed to the poor. Wheat should be donated to the learned Pandits. Jaggery rice should be offered to the Sun. Aditya Hridayam can be recited. Worship at Suryanar temple. Visit Dhakshinamoorthi or Shiva temple on Thursdays or Sundays, to ward off the evil effects of the transits. Offer Greens or a mixture of rice and milk to a cow.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Not to wear Green clothes Pour water onto the roots of a Peepal tree, every Thursday.

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