Thursday, January 1, 2015

Kanni (Virgo) Uttraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta, Chitra 1,2

Kanni (Virgo) Uttraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta, Chitra 1,2
(Jupiter in retrogression in Cancer turns Direct on May 20th and enters Leo on 15th July. It is in the eleventh house to Virgo in the first half of the year and then in the twelfth house (Leo).
Saturn continues in Scorpio (Vrischika) from November 2014. It is in the 3ra house to Virgo. It retrogrades on 16th March 2015 and turns Direct on 4th August 2015. It remains in Scorpio throughout the year.
Rahu is in Virgo, (Janma Rasi) and Ketu is in Pisces, 7" house to Virgo, throughout the year.
General: Those born in this Rasi will be deductive and practical. They will reap the harvest of personal experience. This sign stands for purity, chastity and refinement. They are critical and detailed in all works. They will take life seriously. They will aim at a dignified accomplishment of things. They are desirous of being continuously active and energetic. They aim at the service of humanity on the physical plane as well as in the spiritual lines. They constantly seek for perfection and thoroughness.
Family: There will be harmony in the family in the first half of the year. Comforts and luxurious living will make the natives of this Rasi enjoy health, wealth and prestige. Sons, relatives and persons from to Government will be very co-operative. Auspicious occasions will bring joy to the family. The natives will lead an aristocratic life during this period.
Finance: Generally, the natives of this Rasi are known for their sense of saving for the future. This year, they are to be careful in establishing stability in the financial front. It is time to start thinking about what would be important to invest in. Chances for the purchase of immovable property are also there. Careful trading on shares and stocks will be advantageous for those whose Dasa—Buktis are favourable.
Career: Promotion in service and expansion in business are indicated to a few. Success in all efforts is seen. Enemies will be vanquished. Those who are unemployed will get employment. There is scope for development of confidence and courage. The natives will be pulled in several directions and hence advised to exercise self discipline to focus in one area. They are not always career-oriented. They are suited for jobs involving science.
Health: The natives of this sign need not worry much about their health in 2015. They are always good at maintaining their wel-lbeing. They know what the body needs, in order to survive. However, they should be careful about the health of their partners. At times, they will suffer from headaches. Indigestion will cause health problems. The natives are advised to keep the intestine and stomach clean, to avoid the risk of food-poisoning.
Women: Married women of this Rasi should take all precautions about their health as well as their partners. At times, they are prone to ailments peculiar to women. A few will be hospitalized. Those who are in the family way should be careful and should consult the doctor periodically. Those whose Dasas and Buktis are bad should seek for remedial cures. Sincere prayers will ward off all evil effects of the planets. Women employees will have problems at work-spot. Some of them will get transfer also.
Students: Students aspiring for higher studies should work hard, as they are prone to forget what they had studied. Some of them will experience lack of quick wit to tackle any problem. They will feel that their progress is very slow and thereby lose confidence in themselves. First half of the year will be better than the second half. Prayers to Lord Ganesha will give them confidence to overcome obstacles in the educational progress.
Uttraphalguni 2,3,4 Rahu's transit in Hasta in the first half of the year, upto August, will be favourable. Second half of the year will be a difficult one. Help and assistance will come from brothers or sisters. The natives will boldly face the problems. Some will get involved in unwanted issues from partners or co-workers at the work-spot. Pending Litigations are likely to be concluded in their favour.
Hasta Rahu's transit in Hasta forewams the natives to be careful about their health. They are advised to be alert, while driving or travelling. Physical injury is possible. First half of the year will be better than the second, because of Jupiter's transit in Cancer. Children, elders, blood relations will be a source of worry to the natives of this star. Some will incur huge unexpected expenditure. So be prepared for financial safety.
Chitra 1, 2 Some natives will tum to be pessimistic and lose confidence. They will have to travel frequently. Sudden and unexpected occurrences will often upset the mind of the natives. They will always be in a fix. Saturn in the third house and its transit in Anuradha star will help the natives to overcome most of the obstacles. Expenditure may increase and the health may also deteriorate in-between. Don't worry, nothing major is going to happen to you. Hence, it will be important to work with patience and intelligence.
Vedic remedies Virgo is the temple of Mercury (Budha). It is the planet of communication. Worship and prayers to Mercury can help the natives to overcome all obstacles in their way of progress. Lord Vishnu or Lord of the Seven Hills can also be worshipped. Green Dhal and Green clothes can be distributed to the poor on Wednesdays. For any ailments, Lord Dhanvantri, an Incarnation of Vishnu can be worshiped. Offering water to the Peepal tree regularly will also be beneficial to redress the sufferings. A visit to Madurai Chokkanadhar temple will also do a lot of good to the natives.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Not to wear Blue clothes. Wear a Silver chain around the neck

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