Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mithuna (Gemini) Mrigasira (3 ,4 ), Arudra, Punarvasu (1 ,2,3)

Mithuna (Gemini) Mrigasira (3 ,4 ), Arudra, Punarvasu (1 ,2,3)
Jupiter is Retrograde in the 2" house Cancer till 10" April 2015 and then becomes Direct. It is in Cancer till 14th July 2015 and thereafter moves to the r house Leo and remains there till the end of the year; it transits in Aslesha till 15' July and then moves to other constellations, Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttraphalguni; Saturn is in Anuradha in the Oh house Scorpio; Rahu is in the 4" house Virgo and Ketu in the 10' house Pisces, throughout the year.
General: Persons born in Gemini are fond of change and often like to start new careers, when an exciting opportunity arises. They are highly intellectual and deductive, but mostly build castles in the air. They are vociferous and desirous to be communicative. They are fond of hearing their own voice. They lack executive skill. They must learn to listen and find out the right time to speak. Gemini represents the Twins — intellect and invention, earthly and heavenly and material education and brain intellect. Gemini is the house of learning.
Family: The native will get all benefits during Jupiter's transit in the 2nd house. Expansion in the family and acquisition of property will take place. The native will be respected by one and all. His words will carry weight. General status will improve. Occasionally, peace in the family will get disturbed. Problems will arise from brothers, co-brothers and brothers-in-law. It is better to be careful in their utterances.
Finance: The native will get indirect income or extra income. He must be a little more serious about monetary aspect. Unnecessary and extravagant expenses will occur. However, there is scope for financial stability and balance. Better to be careful in his borrowing and lending. A little bit saving this year will enable him to survive next year smoothly.
Career: Saturn in the sixth will give very good results. The courage and confidence of the native will increase and he will be bold to tackle all problems and impediments in life. Chances are there for the native to go abroad or to get help from foreign countries. He will overcome all opponents and obstructions in life. He will enjoy all comforts and conveniences during this year, if Dasa and Bhukti are good. Those who are unemployed will get employment. After July, the native is advised to be careful in all his undertakings and should be extra cautious when he stands surety or sign any important document.
Health: Those born in Gemini will usually be blessed with an overall good health. But they will have to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to get through this year. They should be careful, while travelling or driving. They should guard against any injury caused by accidents. If Dasa and Bhukti are not good, they will be hospitalized for some time. They should be especially careful after 15th of July, when Jupiter transits in Leo. Awareness about the surroundings will help the native enjoy life better. He should protect himself against skin allergy.
Women: Spinsters will stand a chance of getting married. A few married women will be blessed with a child. Working women will face some embarrassing problems at their work spot. Some will get disturbed sleep owing to bad dreams. Their health and the health of their spouse will get affected owing to wind and cold. After July, they must be doubly careful about their health.
Students: Students born in Gemini love to discover new things. They should keep the mind sharp to achieve their goal. They should think about learning something new. They should think of what their life is currently lacking and try to discover an interesting way of learning more about what they need. They should be clear both in their speech and writing. They should avoid any ambiguity, particularly after July.
Mrigasira: 3,4
Hard and sincere work is necessary for success in life. The natives of this star should be careful about their friends and in money matters. They will at times stand the chance of losing either friendship or money or both. Occupational success, promotion or a favorable transfer is seen. But they should be very careful about their health. Your stamina and energy level may not be all that good.
Arudra: All financial matters will end successfully, but there will be some delay. Health will get affected owing to indigestion, cold, or even food poisoning. The natives are advised to be careful in their food habits. Afew will be betrayed by their friends. Loss of wealth or theft in the house is predicted. Some will face an embarrassing situation at the work-front.
Punarvasu 1,2,3: Those born in this star should safeguard their economy, otherwise they will land into financial problems. Trading in stocks and shares should be deftly handled, to avoid any financial loss. Health is also to be taken care of, as cold and indigestion will upset the body. Occupational problems, sudden and unexpected transfer to unwanted place will worry the mind of the natives. Things will turn to be favouralbe after July, when Jupiter enters Leo.
Vedic Remedies Gemini is a Twin sign. Conflicts within oneself will affect both the mind and the body. Prayers to Lord Budha, the Rasi lord, on Wednesdays will do good to the natives. Bengal gram or Horse gram and Green or multi-coloured clothes can be donated to the needy and the poor on Wednesdays. Worship of Ganesa on Tuesdays is also advisable. Prayers to Lord Dakshinamoorthi or Hanuman can instill peace. Recite or listen to Hanuman Chalisa or Dahshinamoorthi slokas or Budha Namavali daily. Prayers are the only golden key to unlock the miseries of the world.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Give food in charity to the poor. Not to give unsolicited advice to others.

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