Sunday, April 26, 2015

MEENA Puorrahhadra (4)

MEENA Puorrahhadra (4)

Finance: Mixed trends may be observed. There will gain of wealth. You will gain through your communication gills. Thar would he fall in income in the 2's fortnight.
Profession: A few of you will he blessed with a leadership position. You will be confident of great achievements. Working persons should work unmet) and uy to please their employers. For a new lob, this month will be favourable '
Health: Damns manna problem in the eye/ head. sou will ensure good health.
Students: You should concentrate on sour studies and not waste your precious time on petty entertainment
Family: An auspicious funcuon will take place in the family. ikin't puke your nine unnevessously- ilunng family meets and avoid unwarranted blames Be outing while talking to your spouse and children There arc chances of 'zonation for a while from your spouse
Relatives, friends, enemies. etc. Your circle of friends will grow You will meet a child-hood friend and enjoy his company Your Intact. will he DI help to you. You may be sad due to separation from Mends and relatives. Try to maintain good rappon with sour relatives
Women: There will be mans opportusuum to beautify yourself You will get different kinds of gold ornaments Working women will be happy.
Travels: There will be many travels
Other matters: Consumable items will be in plenty in the house Change of place in the r fortnight is a possibility Beware of cheats There could be an occasion for disappointment. Avoid angry words.
Vedic redemides: Recite Atultlya Hodayam daily Stall the temple of (Mddess Dings on Tuesdays and bp a Ghee lamp before the (bidden during Italia swam. Forego rine lime meal on Wednesdays/ mow days. Plant a sapling. Pray to find ianesba nnten as possible.
Lal.kliab Remedies: Milist ill a Prepil tare every Tbw ylay. Wi it shiplool Anputya 'holy.
Days mon tunable for:
Travel: I. I IV lo, I t taltriinns. IC. 17, 22
New Venture,: t. a. ot, tit, 15. 17.22
Days of abundant caution: 4. 5, 6, 7, I I (from 7 pot. 12. It hall trot. Dt. 19 (from 4 15 pm). 2(1.21 toll I pin), 24. 24 titimilt.45 pmy. 26.27
ChandrasIttama period: 5 (from 2.15 pm). 6, 7

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Phanultta (3. 4). Saraltiska. Poonabhadra (1. 2.3, )

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Phanultta (3. 4). Saraltiska. Poonabhadra (1. 2.3, )

Finance Gains will come from nun. directions mart Mug ability win fetch you money Agricultural 11.4 will give higherykid. Gitim will corm taw plot Businessmen will get profit However. Mere attkl be a fall in income in the 1' formight.
Profession: You will be confident of comp difficult tat, Thereat possilxlities of your getting a position of power and authority. Your hard sort will be dub rewarded Some are laxly to get orb positions. Remember that 'toss is always right-. Sciennsts could ger a break-through.
Health: In the le fortnight. there could be a mmot notable in the eye/head_ Thiaeafar you will be anal of the same and will enjoy got.N1 trait .
Students: Your face will glitter due to intelligence. You will do well m sunlit. You too be Inv lifsed ro lam about scriptures
Family: u 'me. wedding loth will nog lnu will nom. food in die compsny Mown unix and crtilrbc You are likely to be benetined by
Relatives & Friends etc. Your relator. will he happy with you. You will develop friendship wail a great nelson You will make men' in the company of your friends and relatives over its. Your enemies will be destroyed
Women: For umnanied women, chances of their marriage getting finalited are high. There are posubilities of an addition in the family. You will get new Maim and ornament.. Pot work mg women. things will more slowly. You will get new dresses and ornaments
Trio els: limmeyt will not be many
Other matters: You: windiest )our 'evidence There are chances of yaw visiting atheme park You will be blessed with tasty food and at the I appropriate Mlle. (lunge of readmit is a possibility atter I Don't stand surety. Avoid heated argument
Vedic Remedies: Perform Surya Nama4ar dash rspecialls in the fortnight Play to Lord Vishnu by offering Inn leaves on Weeineadays Poor feena,g with an it prepared with Blackgram Otte ropy be dart.
lialkitab Remedies: Not to tell ices Won/upGoddess Darya
Days meat suitable for
Travel: 1. (forenoonJ. 8. 9. 10. II tatter 3 pm.. 15, 17.22
New wentures I.6 tfotentwo). 8.9. 10. 15. 17.22
Days of aboundant: 3. 4. 5. I (from 7 pan, 12.1310113pm'. 4 15 pan. 20.21 (toU3 pint. 23. 25 i Dom $ 45 pink list 27 29 fITOM 8.15 am). 30
Chandrashtanui period: 4. 5 (till 2.15 pm). 29 (from it IS arm. 30

MAKARA teapricorn Forecast

MAKARA teapricorn

Finance: This month will be finance aim wil be there. Your communication skills will conaihute to your inckwne. Businessmen we earn profit llierr rechances ot your acquiring a property Yotlwilldo amity.
Proffesion: You will become clan to a high official in the government and will gain through that person, you may even get a pawition like that of a minister. Conunander & judge. There is a possibihty of tramfer ma place of yawn- liking. lemons working in factories would gain.
Heath: Only minor patterns like stomach pain or fewr would trouble you
Students: Your brain will be quite receptive You will do well in studies. Your debating skills will get sturpened.
family: Your children will be in the pink of health. Your parents will be happy. There will be ettatacks m fulfilling carnal desires in the 2'" fortnight.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends will grow. You will be praised by your telatives. There could be difficulties due to had company. Your enemies will try to give you trouble. bat they won't succeed.
Women: For eligible women, maniage could be settled in the middle of the month. Childless women from the ladles will invankly &liver a mate child_ Working women .
Travels: There will be many fruitful journeys. This would include mat els on homes; and an picnic. Other matters: You will ens,. respect name sod tame Change of re-at. ience zs a pcbsibility in the I' fortnight. in band could get delayed. especially in the 2"" fortnight. You are likely to be worried unnecesimily For Uttar:shads t23.41 natives. a long stmding proNem will get resolt ed
Vedic Remedies: !brute What on Stmdlys. Visit the temple of Lord I:artful:eye on Tuesdays and offer a garland of Red tlowen.Cardamom. preferably prepared by you_ Recite On SCOW Noarrsayanacrya 12 tunes daily till II.
lalkitab Remedies: Respect your mother elderly lacks. Not to borate clothes to priest.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 3. 6
New Ventures: 6 , forencen S. 9. 10. 15. 1-..2.2
Days of abundant caution::. 1 4.5. 11 fn.mi 7 pm . 12.13 ,tin 3 pm 4_15 rs7,. ,till pm. 23. 25 (nom &45 26. 27. M. 2
Chandrasthamana period: 1. Z. 27 titan 9.15 pmi. ZS. 2.91n11&15

DHANUS (Sagittarius) if oola. Poonashada. Uttarashada (1)

DHANUS (Sagittarius) if oola. Poonashada. Uttarashada (1)

Finance: Family will get increased income. However incur expenses within your means. Safeguard your valuables.
Profession: Your capacity to work will increase. Creative ideas will bloom in your brain which will help you and your organization. Work sincerely and sustain your position. Persons like auditors and accountants will progress well.
Health: A minor problem like fever would bother you a while. Students: There will be clarity in your brain. You will be able to grasp your lessons easily. You will succeed in studies.
Family: A little light-heartedness is what is required. while moving with your children and spouse. There would be obstacles in fulfilling carnal pleasures in the 1 fortnight. Your spouse needs your help and support.
Relatives. friends, enemies. etc. You will be praised by your relatives. Avoid arguments with your friends. You may have fear of enemies unnecessarily.
Women: For marriage, period till I will be fay curable. Working women will have to exert a lot to fulfil the demands of home and office.
Travels: Journeys will be pleasant. There are chances of travel by a boat.
Other matters: You will enjoy respect. Work in hand will get delayed. There are chances of your getting worried unnecessarily. Follow the rules and avoid penalties. Moola natives should avoid speculation. Poonashada natives should consume less sweets.
Uttarashada(1) natives should bestow attention to father.
Vedic Remedies: Offer Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva on Sundays, more so on Pradosham days. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays. Recite or listen to Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam on Wednesdays and Kanakadhara Stotram on Fridays. Poor feeding is the best remedy to please Lord Saturn. Whenever you come across elders, pay respects to them and be blessed.
Lal-kitab Remedies: Wear a Silver chain around the neck. Daily, donate four pieces of solid turmeric in any temple, for four days.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1, 3. 6 (forenoon), 8, 9. 10, 13 (after 3 pm). 15. 17. 22
New Ventures: 1.6 (forenoon). 8, 9. 10, 15, 17.22
Days of abundant caution: 4.5. I I (from 7 pm). 12. 13 (till 3 pm). 18, 19 (from 4.15 pm). 20, 21 (till 3 pm), 23. 25, 26. 27
Chandrashtama period: 25 (from 11.15 am). 26. 27 (till 9.15 pm)

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 141. Anuradha. Jyeshta

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 141. Anuradha. Jyeshta

Finance: Inflows will arrive from more than on direction. Increase in income will be there. You talking ability will contribute to your income. Gain o gold may be noted. You will do charity. Farmers wil get increased produce. Loans borrowed will be repaid
Profession: There are chances of your getting a high position. You will be respected. There will be subordinates to assist you. Writers will get better exposure. Working persons should do their work sincerely and try to be in the good books of their superiors.
Health: You will enjoy good health. Diseases, if any. would be cured.
Students: Duc to your intelligence. you will progress well in your studies.
Family: You will enjoy domestic happiness. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. A happy celebration will take place in your house. Can you sustain peace at home by having misunderstanding with the family members especially your children and women in the house
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You will win over enemies. Your rapport with your friends and relatives will be good. Distance yourself from bad company.
Women: Unmarried women will have the possibility of marriage. You will be blessed with a child. Working women need not worry.
Travels: Travels will be many. A long distance journey will be gainful.
Other matters: Success in litigation may be noted. There will be fair amount of success in your efforts. You will enjoy name and fame. Avoid angry words, Follow the rules and avoid penalty.
For Visakha(4) natives, articles of daily consumption will be available in plenty in the house. Anuradha natives should beware of back-biters. iyeshta natives will have the chance of getting a government job.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily, especially till 13'. Help patients to go to the hospital Recite Hanuman Chaaleesa daily. Worship cow. feed her and perform cinumambulation. Pray to your Family deity very often. Recite Hari Naama with a garland of Tulsi Mani.
Lalkitab Remedies: Listen to your spouse's suggestions and advice
seriously. Whenever possible. feed Bananas to the monkeys.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1. 3. 6 (forenoon). 8.9, 10. 13 (after 3 pm). 15,17.22
New Ventures: 1.6 (forenoon). 8, 9, 10, 15, 17.22
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5, I I (from 7 pm), 12, 13 (till 3 pm). 18, 19 (from 4.15 pm). 20.21 (till 3 pm). 23. 24. 25. 26, 27
Chandrashtama period: 23. 24, 25 (till 11.15 am)

TULA (Libra) Chant (3,4). Swati. Visakha (l, 2. 3)

TULA (Libra) Chant (3,4). Swati. Visakha (l, 2. 3)

Finance: Increase in income w ill he there. Your coo unumcation skills will contribute to your income. You will gain a plot of land. Loans lent will he recovered. Farmers will get increased produce. However, always try to keep the expenses within your means.
Profession: You will perform a difficult task successfully, which was early abandoned as impossible. A few of you will get a high position. If you had applied for a government job. you will get a favourable response. There are chances of your getting a government favour. For artists. creative ideas will bloom.
Health: Your stamina and energy level will be good In the 1st fortnight. Health problems. if any. would vanish then. Minimise consumption of sweets. A minor trouble in the eye/stomach could trouble you. Learn to shake your head from left to right and right to left when more food is offered. Take rest after hard work. 9udents: Your intelligence will sharpen. You will do well in your studies. Family: You will be happy through a woman in the house. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. Avoid misunderstanding with your spouse. your spouse needs your help and support. A happy celebration will take place in the family.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your circle of friends would shrink. Your friends will love you very much. A school-mate will arrive and you will spend hours reminiscing the good old days. Your enemies will be defeated.
Women: If you are in the marriageable age. unmarried and efforts are on. your marriage will be settled after 5th. Your doctor will give a favourable information on child-birth. Working women will not find it difficult to manage both home and office.
Travels: There will be many journeys after 13" A long distance travel will be gainful. Other matters: Essential articles of daily need will be in plenty in the house. You will enjoy name and fame. Success-rate will be fairly high. Chltra(3,4) natives should avoid arguments with their siblings. Swati natives should take care of slip and fall. Visakba(1,2,3) natives should devote sufficient time towards prayers.
Vedic Remedies: Contribute towards Ahhishekam (anointment) of Lord Shiva. Recite a Sion on Lord Karthikeya like Subramania Ethinangam or Kanda Shashti Kavacham on Tuesdays. Offer Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu for Pup in the house or in the temple. Visit the temple of Lord Saturn on Saturdays and light a Til oil lamp before the Lord.
LalkItab Remedies: Use Maroon-coloured pillow cover. Every Friday, feed 8 Potatoes to any cow. Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1, 3.6 (forenoon), 8, 9, 10, 13 (after 3 pmt. 15.17
New Ventures: I, 6 (forenoon). 8, 9, 10, 15. 17
Days of abundant caution: 4.5.11 (from 7 pm), 12. 13 (till 3 pm). It 19 (from 4.15 pm), 20. 21. 22. 23. 25 (from 8.45 pm). 26.27
Chandrashlama period: 20 (from 9.15 pm). 21.22

KANYA Virgo Forecast

KANYA Virgo 

Finance: This is a month to rejoice. Your standard o nine: ll rise. There will be a big gain of wealth. You will do poor feeding. You will also spend money on inuou. matters. You will get vehicle facility. However.extravagancy should MX he in your mind.
Profession: Initially you may feel uneasy. A rich philanthropic person will become close to you and through him you w ill do good progress. Accounts personnel will make merry.
Health: Beware of slip and fall. Beware of poisonous matures. Move/drive carefully and avoid accidents. A. owl physical confromanon.
Students: Your brain will be receptive to the lessons taugla You will perform well in the examinations. Your elders will be happy with your progress.
Family: A few of you will have love manage in a foreign country. Sonic others will get a spouse from a rich family. Your father will be happy. An auspicious function will take place in your house. This month will he favouable for romance. Try to avoid misunderstanding with the ...mum in the family. Your spouse needs your help and support.
Relatives. friends, enemies, etc Your circle of friends will grow. Your friends will be of help to you. when needed. Distance yourself from enemies.
Women: For marriage this month will be favourable Pregnant ladies will be blessed with a sow You will be blessed with atiradiVe ornaments and, women,ill be happy.
Travels: There will he many travels. These will include foreign travels and pilgrimage trips. Other matters: You will get luxury items and things favour hobby. You will devote some time for spiritual and charitable activities. You will get opportunities to help others. Don't stand surety. lltarapludguni(2.3.4) natives should wear clean clothes and present itches. Hasta natives should eat conservatively. For Chitra natives. expenses wilt be high.
Vedic Remedies: Pray to Lord Shiva. offer sugar-candy to the Lord and distribute the same to the devotees. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga on Tuesdays andlight a ghee lamp before the Goddess during Rahu Kalam. Recite Om Sarno Naamayantlaya 12 times a day especially till 116. Donate Blackgram and Horsegnim on a day. eve!), week.
Lalkitab Remedies: Maintain good relations with brothers and friends. Always keep a Yellow-coloured handkerchief with you.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: I. 3.6 (forenoon). 8.9. 10. 13 (after 3 pm). 15. 17.22 New Venture:: 1.6 (forenoon). 8, 9. 10. 15. 17. "
Days of abundant caution: 4. 5. I I (from 7 pm). 12, 13 (6113 pm). 18, 19, 20.21 (6111 pm). /3, 25 (from 8.45 pm). 26.27
Chandrashtama period: 18 (from 5.30 pink 19. 20 (till 9.15 pm)

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3. 4). Arudra, Punarrasu (1, 2, 3).

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira (3. 4). Arudra, Punarrasu (1, 2, 3).

Finane,: Increase in emoluments may be observed There is a great chance of your acquiring a land or house. There will be gain through cow/horse. If yo want to bet on a horse, do it between 12th and 26th of the month.
Profession: Your capacity to perform will increase. You will perform a difficult task successfully. Your great effort will be suitably recognized. Some of you will be blessed with a position of power and authority. For expansion of business, period from 14' will be good. Musicians will get due appreciation.
Health: You will enjoy good health. Diseases. if any, will vanish in no time. Students: You should concentrate on studies and never waste your time on petty entertainment.
Family: You & your family will be happy. There will be homogeneous atmosphere. Addition to the family is a possibility.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your enemies will run away. You will develop friendship with a great person. Avoid arguments with relatives and friends.
Women: Pregnant women will invariably give birth to a male child. For marriage, this month will he good. You will get ornaments, dresses and time-saving equipments. Working women may have to exert a lot. to fulfil their twin responsibilities satisfactorily. Safeguard your dresses.
Travels: There are chances of your going to a foreign country.
Other matters: Your influence, name and fame will rise. Your behaviour will be liked by all. Success in litigation in the I" fortnight may be noted. Consumable items will be in plenty in your house. Theft of a few dresses is a possibility. Mrigadra native,. will get gilts. Poi Ameba natives, sleep may he affected. Punarsatm(1.2,10 natives, unemployed ones, will get a lob.
Vedic Remedies: Visit the temple iit Goddess Maltalakshmi and offer While Lotus (towels to the deity. On Fridays, chantflistettlakaluni Saltasranaama and offer kheer to the deity Remedies: Your spouse should donate II rod ill the poor. Not to wear Green clothes.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1, 3, 6 (forenoon), 8. 9, ID, 15. 17, 22
New Ventures: I , 6 ((mention). 8. O. 10, IS, 17. 22
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5, II Mom 7 pm). 12. 13. 14 (111111.45 am). 18, 19 (front 4.15 pm), 20, 21 II I t pm), 23, 25 (from 8.45 pm). 26.27
Uhandrashtama period: 12 ffrom U am). I t, 14 full I I .45 am)

VRISHABHA (Thurus) Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Afrigasira (1. 2).

VRISHABHA (Thurus) Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Afrigasira (1. 2).

Finance: Inflows will come through many directions. cow/horse will contribute to your income. Your communication skill will lend its share. You can prudently bet on a horse. Purchase of a vehicle will be in your mind. 'There will be different kinds of expenses.
Profession: For new jobs, period rill 13' will be favourable. Your position will carry respectability. Though for expansion of business, I" fortnight will he good. businessmen should avoid risks in the 2'4 fortnight. Persons in the arts field will succeed.
Health: In the I" fortnight. you will enjoy good health and diseases. if any, will get cured. Thereafter, a minor problem due to excess of heat could trouble you.
Students: You will do well in studies. Your marks in Mathematics will be remarkable.
Family: For some of you. wedding bells will ring. An auspicious function will take place in your house. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. You will achieve success with the help and blessings of the elders. Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your rapport with your friends and relatives will be satisfactory Avoid bad company especially of persons of other sex. Distance yourself from enemies.
Women: If you are in the marriageable age. unmarried and efforts are on. your marriage will be finalized. You will get perfumes. cosmetics and toiletries. Working women will he happy.
travels: There will be useless journeys in the 2' 1. ,rtnight. tither matters: You will get tasty meals. sound sleep and enjoyment. You will enjoy name and fame. Your behaviour will he liked by all. Don't poke your nose unnecessarily in others' matters and avoid unwarranted blames. You are likely to be unnecessarily worried.
For Krittlka(2,3,4) natives, a long standing problem will get resolved. Rohini natives will be blessed with luck. ktrigasira 1121 natives should beware of back-biters.
Vedic Remedies: Perform Surya Namaskar, especially from Ir. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga and perform Puja with Kumkum, especially during Rahu Kalam on Tuesdays and Fridays. Forego one time meal on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days. Read Vela Charitham (story of King Nola) on Saturdays. Pray to your family deity as often as you can .
l .al-kitab Remedies: Donate 6 Green-coloured glass bangles in a Durga Devi temple, every Wednesday. Be a pure vegetarian.
Days must suitable for:
Travel: I. 3. 6 (forenoon). 8.9. 13 (after 3 pm). 15. 17,22 New Ventures: I. 6 (forenoonI. 8. 9. 15, 17, 22
Days of abundant caution:4.5.10. 11. 12.13 (till 3 pm ), 18. 19 'from 4.15 pm). 20. 21 (till 3 pm), 23.25 I t rom 8.45 pm). 26. 27
Chandrashtama period: Ii), II. 12 (till 9 am)

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krittika (1)

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krittika (1)

 Finance: Won't you jump and dance. when Goddess of Wealth smiles on you? Farmers will get increase in produce. However. be frugal. while spending. Expenses will increase. Profession: You may not be feeling alright now. Time and tide change. Good and bad periods occur alternatively. Businessmen
should avoid risks, There arc possibilities of a few of you getting a government honor. You will succeed through your own efforts.
Health: A minor problem like excess of heal in the body will trouble you. Consume food that will cool your system. Wear clean clothes and prevent itches.
Students: Your brain will grasp the lessons easily. With a little hard work. you can do well in studies. You will sharpen your communication skills.
Family: There will be domestic happiness. However avoid misunderstanding with your spouse. Your father needs your help and support. Keep a leash over your tongue in family meets and safeguard yourself from unwarranted blames. Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. You may be sad due to separation from friends and relatives. Avoid arguments with your relatives. Distance yourself from enemies.
Women: Working women will be able to manage their twin responsibilities at residence and office. There is a possibility of separation from the spouse and children for a while.
Travels: There will be frequent travels, some of which would be unnecessary. Other matters: Articles of daily consumption will be in plenty in the house. You will meet a VIP. You could get a government favour. Change of place is a passibility in the r fortnight. Yourefforts are likely to be delayed. Certain amount of control over your tongue is imperative.
Aswini natives will have the chance to stay in a foreign country. Bharani natives will do poor feeding. Krittika (1) natives should avoid harsh words.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Surya Gayatri (given below) 12 times on Sundays.
Om Bhaaskaraaya Vidmahe
Mahaa dhyutikaraaya dheemahi
Thanno aadiiya prachodayaath
Visit the temple of Lord Kaarthikeya on Tuesdays and offer a garland of red flowers/cardamom preferably prepared by you. Offer Tulsi to Lord Vishnu on Wednesdays while doing Puja in the temple
or in the house. Recite Hanuman Chaaleesa daily. Perform poor feeding on Saturdays. Lal-kitab Remedies:
Donate a red Pomegranate fruit in a Durga Devi temple, on any Tuesday. Not to accepted anything free from anybody.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 1. 3.6 (forenoon), 10, 13 (after 3 pm). 15. 17.22
New Ventures: 1, 6 (forenoon), 10. 15. 17, 22
Days of abundant caution: 4, 5. 8, 9, I I (from 7 pm), 12, 13 (till 3 pm), 18, 19 (from 4.15 pm). 20.21 (till 3 pm), 23, 25 (from 8.45 pm), 26.27
Chandrashlama period: 8,9