Sunday, April 26, 2015

MEENA Puorrahhadra (4)

MEENA Puorrahhadra (4)

Finance: Mixed trends may be observed. There will gain of wealth. You will gain through your communication gills. Thar would he fall in income in the 2's fortnight.
Profession: A few of you will he blessed with a leadership position. You will be confident of great achievements. Working persons should work unmet) and uy to please their employers. For a new lob, this month will be favourable '
Health: Damns manna problem in the eye/ head. sou will ensure good health.
Students: You should concentrate on sour studies and not waste your precious time on petty entertainment
Family: An auspicious funcuon will take place in the family. ikin't puke your nine unnevessously- ilunng family meets and avoid unwarranted blames Be outing while talking to your spouse and children There arc chances of 'zonation for a while from your spouse
Relatives, friends, enemies. etc. Your circle of friends will grow You will meet a child-hood friend and enjoy his company Your Intact. will he DI help to you. You may be sad due to separation from Mends and relatives. Try to maintain good rappon with sour relatives
Women: There will be mans opportusuum to beautify yourself You will get different kinds of gold ornaments Working women will be happy.
Travels: There will be many travels
Other matters: Consumable items will be in plenty in the house Change of place in the r fortnight is a possibility Beware of cheats There could be an occasion for disappointment. Avoid angry words.
Vedic redemides: Recite Atultlya Hodayam daily Stall the temple of (Mddess Dings on Tuesdays and bp a Ghee lamp before the (bidden during Italia swam. Forego rine lime meal on Wednesdays/ mow days. Plant a sapling. Pray to find ianesba nnten as possible.
Lal.kliab Remedies: Milist ill a Prepil tare every Tbw ylay. Wi it shiplool Anputya 'holy.
Days mon tunable for:
Travel: I. I IV lo, I t taltriinns. IC. 17, 22
New Venture,: t. a. ot, tit, 15. 17.22
Days of abundant caution: 4. 5, 6, 7, I I (from 7 pot. 12. It hall trot. Dt. 19 (from 4 15 pm). 2(1.21 toll I pin), 24. 24 titimilt.45 pmy. 26.27
ChandrasIttama period: 5 (from 2.15 pm). 6, 7

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