Sunday, April 26, 2015

KANYA Virgo Forecast

KANYA Virgo 

Finance: This is a month to rejoice. Your standard o nine: ll rise. There will be a big gain of wealth. You will do poor feeding. You will also spend money on inuou. matters. You will get vehicle facility. However.extravagancy should MX he in your mind.
Profession: Initially you may feel uneasy. A rich philanthropic person will become close to you and through him you w ill do good progress. Accounts personnel will make merry.
Health: Beware of slip and fall. Beware of poisonous matures. Move/drive carefully and avoid accidents. A. owl physical confromanon.
Students: Your brain will be receptive to the lessons taugla You will perform well in the examinations. Your elders will be happy with your progress.
Family: A few of you will have love manage in a foreign country. Sonic others will get a spouse from a rich family. Your father will be happy. An auspicious function will take place in your house. This month will he favouable for romance. Try to avoid misunderstanding with the ...mum in the family. Your spouse needs your help and support.
Relatives. friends, enemies, etc Your circle of friends will grow. Your friends will be of help to you. when needed. Distance yourself from enemies.
Women: For marriage this month will be favourable Pregnant ladies will be blessed with a sow You will be blessed with atiradiVe ornaments and, women,ill be happy.
Travels: There will he many travels. These will include foreign travels and pilgrimage trips. Other matters: You will get luxury items and things favour hobby. You will devote some time for spiritual and charitable activities. You will get opportunities to help others. Don't stand surety. lltarapludguni(2.3.4) natives should wear clean clothes and present itches. Hasta natives should eat conservatively. For Chitra natives. expenses wilt be high.
Vedic Remedies: Pray to Lord Shiva. offer sugar-candy to the Lord and distribute the same to the devotees. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga on Tuesdays andlight a ghee lamp before the Goddess during Rahu Kalam. Recite Om Sarno Naamayantlaya 12 times a day especially till 116. Donate Blackgram and Horsegnim on a day. eve!), week.
Lalkitab Remedies: Maintain good relations with brothers and friends. Always keep a Yellow-coloured handkerchief with you.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: I. 3.6 (forenoon). 8.9. 10. 13 (after 3 pm). 15. 17.22 New Venture:: 1.6 (forenoon). 8, 9. 10. 15. 17. "
Days of abundant caution: 4. 5. I I (from 7 pm). 12, 13 (6113 pm). 18, 19, 20.21 (6111 pm). /3, 25 (from 8.45 pm). 26.27
Chandrashtama period: 18 (from 5.30 pink 19. 20 (till 9.15 pm)

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