Sunday, April 26, 2015

VRISHABHA (Thurus) Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Afrigasira (1. 2).

VRISHABHA (Thurus) Krittika (2, 3, 4), Rohini, Afrigasira (1. 2).

Finance: Inflows will come through many directions. cow/horse will contribute to your income. Your communication skill will lend its share. You can prudently bet on a horse. Purchase of a vehicle will be in your mind. 'There will be different kinds of expenses.
Profession: For new jobs, period rill 13' will be favourable. Your position will carry respectability. Though for expansion of business, I" fortnight will he good. businessmen should avoid risks in the 2'4 fortnight. Persons in the arts field will succeed.
Health: In the I" fortnight. you will enjoy good health and diseases. if any, will get cured. Thereafter, a minor problem due to excess of heat could trouble you.
Students: You will do well in studies. Your marks in Mathematics will be remarkable.
Family: For some of you. wedding bells will ring. An auspicious function will take place in your house. There will be satisfactory fulfilment of carnal pleasures. You will achieve success with the help and blessings of the elders. Relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Your rapport with your friends and relatives will be satisfactory Avoid bad company especially of persons of other sex. Distance yourself from enemies.
Women: If you are in the marriageable age. unmarried and efforts are on. your marriage will be finalized. You will get perfumes. cosmetics and toiletries. Working women will he happy.
travels: There will be useless journeys in the 2' 1. ,rtnight. tither matters: You will get tasty meals. sound sleep and enjoyment. You will enjoy name and fame. Your behaviour will he liked by all. Don't poke your nose unnecessarily in others' matters and avoid unwarranted blames. You are likely to be unnecessarily worried.
For Krittlka(2,3,4) natives, a long standing problem will get resolved. Rohini natives will be blessed with luck. ktrigasira 1121 natives should beware of back-biters.
Vedic Remedies: Perform Surya Namaskar, especially from Ir. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga and perform Puja with Kumkum, especially during Rahu Kalam on Tuesdays and Fridays. Forego one time meal on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days. Read Vela Charitham (story of King Nola) on Saturdays. Pray to your family deity as often as you can .
l .al-kitab Remedies: Donate 6 Green-coloured glass bangles in a Durga Devi temple, every Wednesday. Be a pure vegetarian.
Days must suitable for:
Travel: I. 3. 6 (forenoon). 8.9. 13 (after 3 pm). 15. 17,22 New Ventures: I. 6 (forenoonI. 8. 9. 15, 17, 22
Days of abundant caution:4.5.10. 11. 12.13 (till 3 pm ), 18. 19 'from 4.15 pm). 20. 21 (till 3 pm), 23.25 I t rom 8.45 pm). 26. 27
Chandrashtama period: Ii), II. 12 (till 9 am)

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