Sunday, April 26, 2015

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Phanultta (3. 4). Saraltiska. Poonabhadra (1. 2.3, )

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Phanultta (3. 4). Saraltiska. Poonabhadra (1. 2.3, )

Finance Gains will come from nun. directions mart Mug ability win fetch you money Agricultural 11.4 will give higherykid. Gitim will corm taw plot Businessmen will get profit However. Mere attkl be a fall in income in the 1' formight.
Profession: You will be confident of comp difficult tat, Thereat possilxlities of your getting a position of power and authority. Your hard sort will be dub rewarded Some are laxly to get orb positions. Remember that 'toss is always right-. Sciennsts could ger a break-through.
Health: In the le fortnight. there could be a mmot notable in the eye/head_ Thiaeafar you will be anal of the same and will enjoy got.N1 trait .
Students: Your face will glitter due to intelligence. You will do well m sunlit. You too be Inv lifsed ro lam about scriptures
Family: u 'me. wedding loth will nog lnu will nom. food in die compsny Mown unix and crtilrbc You are likely to be benetined by
Relatives & Friends etc. Your relator. will he happy with you. You will develop friendship wail a great nelson You will make men' in the company of your friends and relatives over its. Your enemies will be destroyed
Women: For umnanied women, chances of their marriage getting finalited are high. There are posubilities of an addition in the family. You will get new Maim and ornament.. Pot work mg women. things will more slowly. You will get new dresses and ornaments
Trio els: limmeyt will not be many
Other matters: You: windiest )our 'evidence There are chances of yaw visiting atheme park You will be blessed with tasty food and at the I appropriate Mlle. (lunge of readmit is a possibility atter I Don't stand surety. Avoid heated argument
Vedic Remedies: Perform Surya Nama4ar dash rspecialls in the fortnight Play to Lord Vishnu by offering Inn leaves on Weeineadays Poor feena,g with an it prepared with Blackgram Otte ropy be dart.
lialkitab Remedies: Not to tell ices Won/upGoddess Darya
Days meat suitable for
Travel: 1. (forenoonJ. 8. 9. 10. II tatter 3 pm.. 15, 17.22
New wentures I.6 tfotentwo). 8.9. 10. 15. 17.22
Days of aboundant: 3. 4. 5. I (from 7 pan, 12.1310113pm'. 4 15 pan. 20.21 (toU3 pint. 23. 25 i Dom $ 45 pink list 27 29 fITOM 8.15 am). 30
Chandrashtanui period: 4. 5 (till 2.15 pm). 29 (from it IS arm. 30

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