Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dhanus (Sagittarius)'s Forecast Jan-2014

Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada (1)
Finance: There will be both monetary gains and losses. Unless you are prudent in spending, there could be financial crunch in the 2nd fortnight. Your communication skills will contribute to your income. You could think of procuring a vehicle.
Profession: If you get a feeling of lowness that your work does not get due appreciation, you need not get disheartened. You are in for a rise with respectability. Some of you will get a new job. Persons in teaching profession will feel elated due to their being appreciated for showing good results.
Health: rejuvenate yourself after hard work. Wear clean clothes and prevent itches. Avoid physical confrontation. Avoid crowded places and safeguard your eyes.
Students: You will acquit well in studies. Your score in Mathematics will be quite high.
Family: You will be blessed with all kinds of enjoyments. An auspicious function will be celebrated in your house. For some of you, marriage could get finalized. Fulfillment of carnal pleasures will be satisfactory. Avoid friendship of a person of other sex.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.:  Your will be sad due to separation from friends and relatives especially in the 2nd fortnight.
Women: There are chances of settlement of marriage for a few of you. You will get perfumes and toiletries. You will acquire gold ornaments. You will be blessed with a good-natured child.
Travels: There will be many journeys, one of which would be a tiresome journey.
Other matters:  You will get sound sleep, tasty food and enjoyment. Change of place is a possibility. Avoid angry words. Be alert and don’t allow anybody to cheat you.
Moola natives should avoid food with more chillies. Poorvashada natives will buy items for the bed room. Uttarashada(1) natves should not involve too much in a marriage function and avoid unwanted blames.
Vedic Remedies: recite Gayatri Mantra daily. Visit the temple of Lord Karthikeya on Tuesdays and other Garland of Red flowers to the lord. Recite Hari Nama with a garland of Tulsi in hand. Pray to your Family deity very often.
Lal-kitab remedies: not to wear Yellow clothes. Feed any street dog daily.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(after 3pm),3(forenoon),12,13,15,22(afternoon),27,30
New Ventures: 2(after 3pm),12,13,30
Days of abundant caution: 2(till 3pm),8,9,10,11,16(from 7.45am),17,18(till 6.45pm),23(from 6.30pm),24,25(till 4.30pm),26,31
Chandrashtama period: 16(from 7.45am),17.,18(till 6.45pm)

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