Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Vrishabha (Taurus)'s Forcast Jan-2014

Krittika (2,3,4), Rohini, Mrigasira(1,2).
Finance: Inflows will be good. Your wealth will grow. There are chances of your acquiring a plot of land or a house. Theft of a few personal things is a possibility.
Profession: Due to lack of appreciation for your efforts, you are likely to be in a mood of depression. You need not worry. Better time will arrive in a short while. For change of job, 2nd fortnight will be favourable. Persons in the showbiz will have no exert a lot in order to get public approbation.
Health: You need take good care of your health. You are likely to suffer from problems due to excessive heat. You should bestow special care while driving and while moving about particularly in the latter part of the mouth.
Students: You should always hear it in mind that if you work hard at this stage, it will be a good investment which will fetch great returns in future,
Family: Your spouse will leave no stone unturned to make you happy. You are likely to suffer from mental anguish due to children. Try to converse with the women members of the family smilingly. A happy celebration will take place in your house.

Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: You will get loving friends. A friend will arrive and you will be transported to your good old child-hood days. Your rapport with a few relatives will not be satisfactory.
Women: For marriage purposes, the period from 6th will be favourable. There is a possibility of your marriage with a person from a rich family. Working women will be happily placed.
Travel: There are chances of travel by air. Other than this, there will be a few unnecessary journeys.
Other matters: You will enjoy name and fame. Be a person of few wprds in family meetings and avoid unwanted blames. You are likely to suffer from unnecessary fear. Don’t aspire for the moon.
Krittika(2,3,4) natives should scrutinize property documents carefully, before taking a decision. Rohini natives should avoid over-eating. Mrigasira (1,2) natives should avoid bad company.
Vedic Remedies: Perform Surya Namaskar daily, Donate Rotis on Sundays.
Perform Aayushya Homa or Mrityunjaya Homa after 13th, especially on the day your birth star falls. Recite ‘Om Namo Naraaayanaaya’ as many times as you can daily. Donate Tur dal on Tuesdays.
Lal-Kitab Remedies:
Feed 2kg potatoes, colored with Turmeric to a cow. Tie a Red thread around the wrist of Right Hand.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(after 4pm), 3(forenoon), 12,13,15,22(afternoon), 27(till 9.15pm), 30
New Ventures: 2(after 4pm), 12,13,30
Days of abundant caution: 1,2 (till 4 pm), 8,9,10,11,16(from 10.45am), 17,23(from 6.30pm),24,25(till 4.30pm),26,27(from 9.15pm),28,29,31
Chandrashtamana Period: 1,2(till 4pm), 27(from 9.15pm), 28,29

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