Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kataka (cancer)'s Forecast Jan-2014

Punarvasu (4), Pushya, Aslesha
Finance: Financially this month will be good. There will be increase in income. It is always better to plan your expenses keeping in mind the income and the savings component. You are likely to consider buying a landed property.
Profession: There are chances of your achieving a position of power and authority. A few of you would receive rewards for the good work rendered by you. However, some of you unnecessarily feel depressed.
Health: During the 1st fortnight, you will enjoy good health. Diseases, if any, would get cured. However, especially after 13th, eating habits need attention. Avoid over-eating. Don’t buy cooked items from the open stalls. Rest and recreation are must after hard work.
Students: This month will be conductive for pursuing studies. You will develop interest in understanding philosophy.
Family: There are possibilities of marriage getting settled for unmarried persons. Avoid hot words while talking to your spouse and children. Share your feelings with them. Consult them while taking important decisions. Take good care of them.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.: You are likely to be blessed with the friendship of an influential person. Your siblings will be of help of you. Your enemies will vanish.
Women: Don’t you get pleasure from procuring gold ornaments? There are chances of your becoming pregnant. If any talks are going on for your marriage, the chances are that the same will be finalized favourably.
Travels: During the 2nd fortnight, you will undertake a wearisome journey.
Other matters: You will enjoy success in all walks of life. Your standing in the society will rise. All sorrows and mental tortures will come to an end. You are likelѡ to face opposition from here and there.
Punarvasu(4) natives will spend money on auspisous purposes. Pushya natives will have the chance to go to a foreign country all of a sudden. Aslesha natives will face obstacles in fulfilling carnal desires.
Vedic Remedies: Facing the east, in the morning, probably during Sun-rise, worship Sun-god by offering water and flowers daily, at least from 14th, Visit the temple of a Lord Vishnu on Wednesdays and offer a garland of Tulsi to the lord. Visit the temple of goddess Mahalakshmi on Fridays and other White Lotus flowers to the deity.
Lal-kitab remedies: Feed powder of 7grains to the ants. Respect and listen to your purpose.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(after 3pm),3(forenoon),12,13,15,22(afternoon),27,30
New Ventures: 2(after 3pm),12,13,30
Days of abundant caution: 2(till 3pm), 4 (from 5pm),5,6,8,9,10,11,16(from 10.45am),17,23(from 6.30pm),24,25(till 4.30pm),26,31
Chandrashtama period: 4 (from 5pm),5,6

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