Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kumbha (Aquarius)'s Forecast Jan-2014

Dhanishta(3,4),Satabisha, PoorvaBhadra(1,2,3)
Finance: Income will come from more than one direction. You can expect a stroke of luck! Expenses will also skyrocket. Do tax planning. You will consider acquiring a good plot of land or a house. Businessmen can hope to expand their business.
Profession: you will be confident of fulfilling any task assigned to you. You will be blessed with a new position with enhanced respectability. If you had applied for a government job, you will get a positive indication.
Health: you will enjoy good health in the 2nd fortnight. However, consume green leafy vegetables and prevent anaemic conditions. Move cautiously and avoid slip and fall. Don’t involve yourself in any kind of physical confrontation.
Students:  During this month the native achieves excellence in education, you will learn an art like music. If you learn it, you will excel in that art. You will become brave. Your communication skills will get sharpened.
Family: you will excel in making your spouse pleased. You will fulfil carnal desires to your heart’s content. With the blessings of your elders, you will be successful in your efforts. A happy celebration will take place in your house.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.:  your circle of friends will grow manifold. You will gain through your friends. There will be good rapport with your relatives. Your enemies could try to give you pinpricks.
Women: you will acquire ornaments. You will get perfumes and toiletry items. Working women wont face any serious problem in managing both the fronts.
Travels: there will be a few journeys. You are likely to get a chance to go to a foreign country and gain these from.
Other matters:  Gods will ensure safety and protection. Your house will overflow with food articles. You will show kindness to others, You will get name and fame. There won’t be any doubt about your getting tasty food and too at the appropriate time. Don’t Stand surety. You may have a feeling of dependency.
Dhanishta(3,4) natives should be cautios while handling sharp equipments. Satabisha natives will consider buying a vehicle. Poorvabhadra(1,2,3) natives will get subordinates to assist them
Vedic Remedies: recite Shiv Panchakshari Mantra whenever possible especially from 14th. Light ghee lamps before Godddess Durga on Tuesdays during Rahu Kalam. Recite ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ as many times as you can. Plant a atree. Visit a nearby temple and spend time there in meditation.
Lal-kitab remedies: Pour water onto the roots of peepal tree, every Thursday. Feed a cow daily with green grass.
Days most suitable for:                                                    
Travel: 2(after 3pm), 3(forenoon),12,13,15,27,30
New Ventures: 2(after 3pm),12,13,30
Days of abundant caution: 2(till 3pm),8,9,10,11,16(from 10.45am),17,20,21,23,24,25(till 4.30pm),26,31

Chandrashtama period: 21,22,23(till 12.30pm)

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