Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Makara (Capricorn)'s Forecast Jan-2014

uttarashada(2,3,4), Sravana, Dhanishta(1,2)
Finance: Don’t get disheartened if this month renders negative results. Better time will come shortly. There will be limited income. You should draw up a budget and spend within the available income. Resric our expenses on entertainment to the minimum. Businessmen should be cautious as any loss will bring in humiliation in the society.
Profession: You will feel that your hard work does not get due appreciation. Don’t worry. Work sincerely. Some day your superiors will notice your hard work and ability. When they do so, wont you get suitable rewards? For businessmen, 1st fortnight will not be quite favourable.
Health: Consume nutritive food including green leafy vegetables. Otherwise you could experience weakness in your legs. Eat food that will cool your system. Take rest after hard work.
Students: Concentrate on your studies. Don’t waste yoiur time on petty entertainment.
Family: You wont leave any stone unturned to keep your spouse happy. You will be able to fulfil carnal pleasures satisfactorily.
Relatives, friends, enemies, etc.:  You will help your friends. Avoid arguments with your friends and relatives. Your relatives could be little unhappy with you. Your enemies will lie low.
Women: you will get new dresses and ornaments. There will be increased pleasure from both office and home.
Travels: Unnecessary wandering will be there. In the 2nd fortnight, you may go on a tiresome journey.
Other matters:  Items of daily need will be in plenty in your house, Some of your efforts will get impeded. Eschew unruly tongue as it could cause decline in respect. A few of your dresses are likely to be lost.
Uttarashada(2,3,4) natives, some of them, will leave their normal place of residence. Sravana natives will find it difficult to take decisions.
Dhanishta(1,2) natives will have the chance of being blessed with a child.
Vedic Remedies:  On Sundays, keep a handful of Wheat under the pillow, while sleeping and feed the same to the crows in the morning. Donate turdal, skip one time meal on Wednesdays/Ekadasi days, Listen to recite Vishnu Sahasranaama on Wednesdays.
Lal-kitab remedies:  Not to indulge in carnal pleasures before sunset. Donate sweet Prasad every Tuesday.
Days most suitable for:
Travel: 2(after 3pm), 3(forenoon),12,13,15,22(afternoon),27,30
New Ventures: 2(after 3pm), 12,13,30
Days of abundant caution: 2(till 3pm),8,9,10,11,16(from 7.45am),17,18(till 6.45pm),23(from 6.30pm),24,25(till 4.30pm),26,31
Chandrashtama period: 18(from 6.45pm),19,20

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